Use of Big Data in Smart City Projects

Smart city and Big Data

Use of Big Data in Smart City Projects


There has been a lot of activity around the concept of Smart City for some time. Cities are being identified as future smart cities. Theoretically at least, smart cities can fundamentally change our lives at many levels such as less pollution, garbage, parking problems and more energy savings. Though the prospect seems mouth-watering, the implementation of the smart city concept around the world has been sporadic at best because of several reasons. Whatever the stage the smart city implementation is at globally, big data og,,en,og IoT vil arbejde med anden software og hardware for at føre visionen om smart city til at udbredes,,en,Trafikken vil blive målt og reguleret ved hjælp af,,en,RFID,,en,tags på bilerne,,en,Der er andre byer i verden, der regnes for smart, fordi de gjorde det godt i bestemte parametre, såsom trafik og miljøstyring,,en,London betragtes som en smart by på grund af åben data og teknologi,,en,Nice i Frankrig gjorde det godt inden for miljø og agenturets samhørighed,,en,Eksemplet med Songdo ovenfor har allerede givet nogle ideer til, hvordan big data og,,en,bidrage til smart byudvikling,,en,Der er ingen løsning på problemet lige nu, men myndigheder er nødt til at udvikle principper og værdier for dataindsamling,,en Internet of Things (Tingenes internet) have the power to drive the implementation. Big data and the IoT are going to work with other software and hardware to lead the vision of smart city to fruition. Dog, the path ahead is full of challenges.

A real-life example of big data helping build smart city

The South Korean city of Songdo is an appropriate example of how big data has changed it. Songdo is located just 40 miles from Seoul and 7 miles fra den internationale lufthavn Incheon. Songdo har 1500 tønder land regenereret fra byen og 40% af sit areal er øremærket som åbent område. Selvom vi hører meget om smarte byer i disse dage, visionen om at bygge Songdo i en helt tilsluttet byen begyndte at få gennemført helt tilbage i 2000 med en forventede udgifter til $35 milliarder. Now, i 2015, Songdo er på tærsklen til at realisere denne vision. Cisco har arbejdet på projektet, og det er at sikre, at hver tomme af byen er kablede med fiberoptisk bredbånd. So, Songdo, den smarte by, vil massivt påvirke livet for dets 65,000 beboere og 300,000 der vil pendle dagligt til Songdo. Nedenfor er nogle måder denne smarte by kommer til at opføre sig.

  • The traffic will be measured and regulated with the help of RFID tags on the cars. RFID-tags vil sende geo lokaliseringsdata til en central overvågningsenhed, der vil identificere de overbelastede områder. Also, borgerne vil altid vide via deres smartphones og mobile enheder den nøjagtige status af offentlig transport og dets tilgængelighed.
  • Selv garbage collection vil generere data. Beboere, der bortskaffer affald skal bruge et chipkort i beholderne. De byplanlæggere og arkitekter sammen med Cisco arbejder på begrebet helt fjerne skraldebiler. Skraldebiler vil ikke indsamle og bortskaffe affald længere. Hvert hus har renovationsafgifter enheder og skrald vil blive suget fra dem til skrald behandling centre, der vil afhænde det på en miljøvenlig måde. Den skrald vil bruges til at generere strøm til byen.
  • Data will make life more secured for the citizens. For example, children playing in the parks will wear bracelets with sensors which will allow the children to get tracked in case they go missing.
  • The smart energy grid can measure the presence of people in a particular area in a particular moment and can accordingly adjust the street lights. For example, the smart grids will ensure that areas that are scantly populated will automatically have some of the street lights turned off. This will result in a lot of energy savings.

Bemærk: There are other cities in the world that are reckoned smart because they did well in certain parameters such as traffic and environment management. For example, London is considered a smart city because of open data and technology. Nice in France did well in environment and agency cohesion.

Must Read – Hvad er Internettet af alt,,en,ja,,sm,Har stor data indflydelse på crowd finansieringsindustrien,,en (IoE)?
Also read – Pairing of IOT and Hadoop

How can big data potentially contribute to smart cities?

The example of Songdo above has already given some ideas on how can big data and Tingenes internet contribute to smart city development. Still, it is worth to explore some more areas.

  • Big data can help reduce emissions and bring down pollution. Sensors fitted in the roads will measure the total traffic at different times of a day and the total emissions. The data can be sent to a central unit which will coordinate with the traffic police. Traffic can be managed or diverted along other less congested areas to reduce carbon emissions in a particular area.
  • Parking problems can be better managed. Cars will have sensors attached which can guide the car to the nearest available parking lots.
  • The environment will cooler and greener with less energy being consumed. In Bristol, a program that involves development of a wireless network based on IoT is under way. This network will use less energy and power than the traditional Wi-Fi and mobile networks. So, batteries on mobile devices will last more and there will lesser need to charge the devices frequently.

The above list is by no means exhaustive and has been provided for illustration only.

How is the smart city concept being implemented?

Indtil nu, the Songdo model has been followed all around the world. The model is simple: the government ropes in a software and technology provider and then extends all support. In the case of Songdo, Cisco was the principal agency. All around the world, large companies such as the IBM and Cisco are working with civic planning bodies and universities to develop data-based systems for waste management, transport, law enforcement, and energy. Public money is being used to fund such projects. For example, in Glasgow, Scotland, the government has offered £24 million to implement technology to make the city smarter, more sustainable and safer.

Also read – Why IoT Driven Solutions Gain Traction in Smart City Applications?
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The critics’ perspective and other challenges

Naturligvis, the critics do not think that the smart city and big data combine is going to work. Some even go to the extent of saying that Smart City is just a buzzword. Even if we do not consider these extreme opinions, the concept has extremely steep challenges to overcome.

  • Building a smart city needs huge funds. Way back in 2000, Den Songdo byen nødvendig $35 milliarder, så omkostningerne har forværret hurtigt. I betragtning af de udgifter, udviklingslande og fattige lande, som allerede kæmper for at give grundlæggende bekvemmeligheder til sine borgere, kan aldrig være i stand til at implementere intelligente byer.
  • Data, fortrolighed og sikkerhed vil være et enormt problem. Det bliver en hård opgave for regeringerne at opretholde balancen mellem gennemførelsen af ​​de smarte byens projekter og sikre borgerne i deres databeskyttelse. There is no solution to the problem right now but authorities need to develop data collection principles and values. Der skal indføres afskrækkende metoder for at forhindre eller håndtere mulige krænkelser af fortrolighed,,en,Der har allerede været mange tilfælde af overtrædelse af data og snooping rundt om i verden,,en,Myndighederne er nødt til at lære deres lektioner, før de bliver for transporteret med begrebet smart city og dens fordele,,en,Flere artikler i IoT,,en,Flere artikler om Big data,,en,Smart City,,en,,,en. Already there have been many instances of data violations and snooping around the world. The authorities need to learn their lessons before getting too carried away with the concept of smart city and its benefits.
  • Sociale spørgsmål kunne opstå, især i udviklingslandene og fattige lande. Da mange vil være i stand til at råd til de dyre sensorer og andre ting, Der er frygt, at de økonomisk tilbagestående sektioner bliver enklaver af eliten. This, til nogle, kunne føre til social apartheid. Indien, som netop identificeret 100 byer for at konvertere dem til smarte byer, synes at være et tilfælde af social apartheid. Ifølge Laveesh Bhandari, økonom, Jeg beskriver unfeasibility og uønskede i en tankeløs klog by vision, Når du investerer så meget uden at tænke over tjenester og socialt boligbyggeri og styring, så vil du ende med at skabe enklaver, der holder ud de fattige. "


Clearly, store data kan gøre enorme bidrag til udviklingen af ​​intelligente byer. Dog, the smart city vision faces huge challenges before it comes to fruition. It appears that availability of funds, data confidentiality and social issues are the biggest challenges. For smart cities to become a global phenomenon, the issue of affordability in third world countries needs to be addressed first. Given the cost, it is clear that the vision is still at a nascent stage and it may take several years before it becomes a global phenomenon. It has to be an inclusive concept.

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