Analytics ting

Digital Transformation and Big data and analytics can Improve Customer Experience

Digital Transformation and Big data and analytics can Improve Customer Experience

Oversigt Digital transformation er det centrale område for at forbedre kundeoplevelsen,,en,Big data og analyse er bare værktøjerne til hjælp i processen med digital transformation,,en,kundeadfærd på hjemmesiderne blev betragtet som noget,,en. Big data and analytics are just the tools to help in the process of digital transformation. I tidligere dage, customer behaviors on the websites were deemed to be something…

Influence of Predictive Analytics on Medical Industry

Influence of Predictive Analytics on Medical Industry

Oversigt: Predictive Analytics, it is being said, is going to redefine how healthcare is delivered. It will predict occurrences of critical illnesses and probability of readmissions in the future. Other sectors such as food and beverages, publications and entertainment have…

Hvad er Internettet af alt,,en,ja,,sm,Har stor data indflydelse på crowd finansieringsindustrien,,en (IoE)?

What is Internet of Everything (IoE)?

Overview We have heard about IoT which connects machines to machines. And, we are also using World Wide Web (known as internet) to connect humans to humans. Men, there is always the question ‘online’ and ‘offline’ mode, which comes into…

How IoT is shaping the Commercial Industry? Overcoming the Hindrances

How IoT is shaping the Commercial Industry? Overcoming the Hindrances

Oversigt: Do you know there will be nearly 75 billion active IoT devices by 2025 across the world? IoT has changed the way we approach technology. By using technology, today, many businesses are operated in the remote location efficiently. Business…

Why IoT Driven Solutions Gain Traction in Smart City Applications?

Why IoT Driven Solutions Gain Traction in Smart City Applications?

Oversigt: Internet since its commercialization has attracted unprecedented attention from various technology and solutions provider in developing innovative, customized, and highly efficient solutions. Subsequently, the internet of things driven solutions and services has gained a major traction across various industrial,…

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