Technology hab hu nrhiav: yog dab tsi?

Technology And Call Tracking

Tshuab thiab hu xov tooj mus nrhiav – Xyaum ua tej yam

Taw qhia

Nrog tus neeg muab kev pab technology, txhua yam yuav tam sim no ua tau nrog ease tsis siv sij hawm ntau heev thiab cov chaw muab kev pab. Muaj ntau pab coob tus neeg tag nrho cov neeg tasks txawm tsis tawm hauv qhov kev xav ntawm lawv lub tsev los yog chaw ua hauj lwm. Thiab yog hais tias koj yog ib lub lag luam, Tswv, Puab tseeb, Koj nyob nraum ib cov neeg uas tau ua siv tshuab siv tshuab. Koj tam sim no koj yuav lag luam koj cov khoom los ntawm ntau cov nruab nrab, Tham nrog cov neeg muas zaub sib txawv rau tib lub sijhawm thiab txheeb xyuas seb koj cov neeg ua hauj lwm puas siv automation – tag nrho tsaug technology. Tab sis ntawm tag nrho cov innovations tshuab muaj coj mus rau lub neej, hu mus nrhiav tej zaum yog ib qhov uas cov cuab yeej pab cuab yeej ib lub lag luam yuav siv.

Tiam sis zoo li cas hu xov tooj mus los ntawm txoj kev?

Nyob rau hauv nws cov kev nyuaj siab yooj yim, Hu mus nrhiav ib lub tshuab uas tso cai rau koj mus rau qhov nws xov tooj rau txhua yam uas koj ua lag luam. Piv txwv, Koj muab tau ib tug xov tooj ntawm koj lub website thiab lwm cov kev tawm platforms. Lub tshuab no yuav pub koj ua ntaub ntawv qhia txog tias koj yuav pab tau koj nrog koj qhov kev txiav txim siab lag luam, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau koj li cas.

Thaum koj nyob nraum ib tug neophyte nyob rau hauv lub lag luam arena, Nws yog raug uas koj yuav ua siv tag nrho li cas channels muaj nyob. Koj yuav advertise koj ua hauj lwm rau cov websites, kev tawm platforms, ntawv xov xwm, thiab zog tab sis txiav txim siab uas tej hauj lwm thiab uas tsis tau yooj yim. Qhov no yog thaum hu xov tooj mus yuav tes. Nws yuav pub koj los sib piv rau cov channels, Li ntawd, koj yuav paub tias uas sawv daws yuav ua kom cov neeg muas zaub ntau.

Vim li cas koj thiaj yuav tsum tau tu txog kev hu xov tooj mus?

Tsis hais seb koj lub lag luam yog tseem pib los yog tau kev khiav hauj lwm rau lub xyoo, Koj yuav tsum tau npaj koj cov neeg muas zaub. Koj yuav tsum muab ib yam dab tsi tshiab rau koj cov neeg muas zaub tam sim no thiab ces vim yog hais tias koj tsis, sib txeeb, thiab koj yuav nws thiaj li poob koj cov neeg muas zaub rau lawv. Xyuas kom meej tias koj yuav li qhia siv kuj nyiam cov neeg muas zaub los ntawm koj li cas, koj yuav tsum tau hu xovtooj mus nrhiav tshuab. Qhov no yuav pab tau koj lub lag luam nyob rau ntau txoj kev tshaj ib tug. Tsav lub tsev, xav txog tej no:

  1. Hu mus nrhiav kev pab tau koj khiav zoo ROI: Thaum koj nyob nraum ib lub lag luam tus tswv tsev, Koj yuav tau ceev faj txog tag nrho cov chaw muab kev pab uas koj muaj feem nrog koj tej nyiaj txiag. Kom, Tej zaum koj yuav muaj ib tug abundance ntawm nws tam sim no tab sis thaum nws siv rau tej yam uas yog insignificant rau lub lag luam, koj yuav mus poob tag nrho cov ntev. Hu xov tooj yuav qhia tau rau koj ntau yam thiab ib qhov no yog tracking uas marketing channels ua cov nyiaj tau los ntawm cov nyiaj. Nrog hu xov tooj mus nrhiav, Koj yuav txiav txim seb koj li cas losis tsis koj kev ua lag luam hauv koj lub website ua hauj lwm; lossis yog lwm yam ua haujlwm zoo. Qhov no yuav pub koj siv koj cov chaw muab kev pab rau tej yam uas txawv rau lub lag luam.
  1. Hu mus nrhiav kev pab tau koj txiav txim siab ceev: Yog tus tswv tsev tsis yog txog tom qab koj cov neeg ua hauj lwm; Nws yog hais txog lub rooj sib tham ntawm lub lag luam, Kev txhim kho koj cov txheej txheem thiab khaws nrog rau qhov kev lag luam sib. Muaj ntau heev rau koj phaj thiab tag nrho cov no yuav tsum tau koj nyob nraum kev txiav txim siab-txiav txim siab. Hu mus nrhiav cov ntaub ntawv yuav ua tau ntaub ntawv uas yuav pab tau koj tuaj nrog suab kev txiav txim siab. Rau ib tug, once you know which marketing channels work and which ones don’t, you’ll know which to continually pay and which to discontinue using. Because of call recording features, you’ll also know how your employees are handling customers so you’d know which kind of training is suitable for them.
  1. Call tracking can determine peak call hours: You’re a business owner but you’re also a customer – and you know how frustrating it can be whenever you call customer service and no one is picking up. You can prevent this from happening to your own business with the use of call tracking technology. It can record information which will help you pinpoint what day and time of the week your customers usually call. Koj yuav tau assign ua num raws li cov neeg ua hauj lwm raws li cov sij hawm ncov hu rau ib tug neeg yuav nco ntsoov muab teb rau cov neeg queries. Koj nyob nraum yeej paub tseeb tias koj cov neeg muas zaub yuav tu thiab koj cov neeg ua hauj lwm muaj tej yam uas ua rau lawv ua hauj lwm teev!

  1. Hu mus nrhiav kev yuav ua kom hu rau pem hauv ntej: Cov neeg muas zaub tau ntsoov mus ntsib koj lub lag luam kom ntau yam. Qee cov neeg muas zaub yuav hu vim lawv muaj lus nug txog koj warranty thaum ib txhia yuav nug txog koj cov khoom specifics thiab promotions. Qhov no kuj yog vim li cas koj kawm tiav koj cov neeg ua hauj lwm kom pom tseeb ib cheeb tsam. Nrog hu xov tooj mus nrhiav, Koj yuav tau mus rau pem hauv ntej hu rau cov neeg ua hauj lwm uas muaj lub know-li cas txog ib lub npe chaw. This is one way of ensuring that customers get the answers they want without waiting too long on the phone.
  1. Call tracking can help you better target your marketing: When you use call tracking, you can determine where your customers are calling from. This will give you an idea on how your marketing efforts are doing in certain areas. Piv txwv, if call tracking data indicates that you don’t have any customers calling from location A, you can better target your marketing effort to reach this area. You can create more streamlined ads in order to entice people from this location.
  1. Call tracking can help you benchmark: The call recording feature from call tracking will give you valuable information. Since you can hear what your customers are saying during phone calls, you’d know what specific products or services they’re complaining about. This can help you determine what to improve and make use of customers’ feedback as points for benchmarking. If most of your customers are calling to tell you how your products should have more variety, you can sell these in different colors and sizes. If they’re complaining about your business hours, you can adjust your employees’ schedule to cater to more customers.

Thaum kawg kiag

Nyob rau hauv ib nutshell, technology has made lives easier for everyone – the same goes in the business context. There are several innovations which you can use in order for your business to thrive and grow over time. Tam sim no, it’s easier to reach a larger target market, Txiav txim seb cov kev xav tau thiab tsim cov khoom thiab cov kev pab uas yuav ua tau kom tau raws li lawv zov vim yog hu mus nrhiav tshuab.

Sau Bio: John Taylor yog ib tug ntev kev kawm uas muaj ob xyoo lawm ntawm kev kawm nyob rau hauv analytics thiab sib txuas lus. Nws ua haujlwm raws li cov ntaub ntawv Senior Analyst ntawm Fone Dynamics, ib tug thawj coj hu xov tooj mus, Suab, thiab SMS kev sib txuas lus. Thaum Twg John steps tawm ntawm qhov chaw ua hauj lwm, Nws hlub yuav siv sij hawm nrog nws tsev neeg thiab tsheb tuam caij.

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