Ruaj ntseg Apps

Cybersecurity tswv yim siv thaum uas ua hauj lwm hauv tsev

Cybersecurity Tips to use while working from Home

Txheej txheem cej luam: COVID-19 pandemic muaj ntaus lub ntiaj teb npaj txhij txog. Vim qhov no, tiag nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ntiaj teb no muaj resorted rau kev distancing nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev los mus ntxuav lub ntiaj teb no. Muab qhov zoo tshaj ntawm kev siv tshuab uas peb…

LMS Security nta koj cov ntaub ntawv kom zoo thiab suab

LMS Security Features to Keep Your Data Safe And Sound

Overview The digitization ntawm txoj kev ua lag luam yog inevitable. Thiab hnub ntawd tsis yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev thaum cov kev kawm thaum lub elearning yuav outnumber cov avenues ntawm kev kawm ntawv. Txij ntawm no mus txog lub sij hawm, Txawm li cas los, Neeg sector yog inclined ntau inclined…

Yuav luag txhua yam hauv koj lub Smartphone?

How to Secure Everything in Your Smartphone?

Txheej txheem cej luam xyoo dhau los, Einstein ua ib tsab ntawv, "Txhua tes hauj lwm muaj kev vaj huam sib luag thiab txheem cov tshuaj tiv thaiv". Peb kom paub meej hais tias nws thiab nws yog hais txog lub sij hawm peb teeb no xav rau peb tseeb technology hab tau ntxiv cov kev pab cuam los ntawm nws kev txawj ntse. Peb…

Kawm ua neeg Protector nyob rau hauv lub qhov rais PC

Exploring Identity Protector in Windows PC

Txheej txheem cej luam: Cov kev hem thawj zuj zus rau kev sib tham isthawmnev hais ruaj ntseg, koj nyob tuaj sib tham isthawmnev hais nws txhua lub sij hawm. Os, hais-criminals sim cov tshiab caag yuav tua cov neeg siv cov ransomware, spyware, adware, Trojans, thiab lwm yam ntawv muaj ntau malware. Paub txog, cov kev hem thawj yog tiag…

4 Cov kauj ruam tsim ib lub Website ruaj ntseg rau koj Startup

4 Steps to Build a Secure Website for Your Startup

Txheej txheem cej luam: Koj lub tswv yim startup tej zaum yuav tsum tau ib yam ntxiv ua ntej koj yuav siab tso nws nyob rau ntawm ntug, yog ib lub website. Koj lub website no zoo li cas yuav ua rau koj startup nom thiab ntau txaus kom investors. Txawm li cas los, lub zog…

Tshiab hais-Security yog "Brainjacking"

New Cyber-Security Threat is “Brainjacking”

Txheej txheem cej luam: Hauv qhov tsos Hollywood, peb muaj tau menyuam li cas plaw yuav raug hacked, yuav tsum muaj thiab ib txoj kev tswj cov neeg stimulated. Qhov no yog nkawd lub illusion los yog li cas peb tsuas tau saib hauv qhov tsos yog xa rau ib qhov kev muaj tiag. According…

Muaj ib lub lag luam Thriving? Kub siab rau kev ruaj ntseg Cyber ruaj ntseg!

Have A Thriving Business? Focus on Cyber security!

Txheej txheem cej luam: Raws li ib daim ntawv ntsuam xyuas tsis ntev los no, ze li ib nrab ntawm tag nrho cov lag luam (46%) Qhia ib txhaum cai HQS yog lawv lub nruab nrog cyber nres dua ib lub sij hawm 12 lub hli. Cov incidences no yuav muaj ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm cov survivability…

Koj puas xav tau kev tiv thaiv tub sab yog leejtwg tiag?

Do You Need Identity Theft Protection?

Txheej txheem cej luam: Nrog ua hauv internet neeg siv puag, Cov neeg siv muaj ib tug muaj zog cov neeg uas yuav pab lawv saib heev heev heev & txheej txheem. Cov neeg muaj zauv sib txawv rau social security, daim ntawv tsav tsheb, nyiaj hauv tuam txhab tso nyiaj, lo lus zais thiab ntxiv tias lawv khw…

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