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Fintech & Machine Learning

Role of Machine Learning in the Fintech Industry

Txheej txheem cej luam

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two of the latest technologies that are poised to transform the face of this world in almost every sphere, nrog rau ntau cov chaw ua hauj lwm sectors zoo li. And the arena of finance is no exception to this. In a way, the leaders of the financial world are gradually realizing that whether it’s about assessing credit risks or enhancing network security, it is actually going to prove more beneficial in future to train the machine systems themselves take care of things rather than employing human resources for operating them.

Explained in simple terms, machine-learning involves a technological framework that banks upon a combination of complicated algorithms that analyze data, process information and draw useful inferences on the basis of insights gained. Though the financial enterprises tend to be more cautious about adopting newer technologies given the high risks involved in their business processes, various technological giants such as Amazon and Google have already begun deploying machine-learning into their operations for quite some time now. There are many ways in which machine-learning may turn highly useful for the financial enterprises. Let’s have a look upon some of them.

Evaluating Financial Risks

One of the foremost concerns for any financial firm anywhere in the world is related to the potential risks involved in its core business processes. Any financial activity needs to be duly protected against any possible risks in advance, with the help of thorough analysis. Piv txwv, a financial enterprise normally banks upon a team of efficient and expert risk analyzers who leverage the loan and credit-related data pertaining to any potential client firm accumulated through various sources, and then offer a risk report to the company.

Using machine-learning solutions, the same financial company may rely upon smart analytics and the observations made by enhanced data analytics tools and Artificial Intelligence tools, to gain an even deeper and insightful assessment of the scenario. When used, these insights may help the company a great deal in minimizing its financial risks.

Kuj nyeem ntawvAI thiab chav kawm ntawv – Lub Tshuab Kawm nyob rau hauv kev kawm ntawv

Forecasting Financial Investments

The world of financial investments has gained momentum across the individuals and enterprises belonging to all market segments across the globe, especially during the last few decades, thanks to the arrival of modern telecommunication technologies. As the volume of investments being made in the stock and future options is increasing, especially small and medium investors are getting more concerned about the safety of their investments and looking for sensible and trustworthy forecasts. Machine-learning may turn out to be a helpful tool in this regards as well.

Piv txwv, both small and big investors are using predetermined functions of online financial platforms for enabling automated purchases and sales of stocks and other financial products. Up to some extent, these platforms are able to suggest the investors what financial decisions they must take in accordance with the future possibilities, still, almost always the investors need a dedicated human advisor to tell them what actually needs to be done. But the advanced machine-learning based solutions take the things way ahead. They are actually able to assess and analyze the past market data, current business scenario and possible trends, to predict future market movements to a much better degree of accuracy than those human analysts.

Enhancing Financial Security

Financial fraud is a matter of grave concern for both the investors and financial companies alike, across the globe. Investors do need an assurance from their capital investment enterprises that their funds are going to remain secured, hos cov tuam txhab uas muag nyeg muaj lub luag hauj lwm loj los xyuas kom meej tias cov tawv-khwv nyiaj ntawm cov neeg muaj kev ruaj ntseg. Feem ntau, nrog cov ntaub ntawv mas muaj peev thiab kev sib tham isthawmnev hais ruaj ntseg ua hauj lwm yog ntiav thiab nruab nrog high-end ruaj ntseg cuab yeej thiab cov kev daws kom muaj ntawd txog qib uas tiv thaiv ntaub ntawv thiab cov nyiaj. Tseem, kev kawm tshuab yuav txia lub scenario kiag li, Yog hais tias siv tau.

Piv txwv, teev lub tuam txhab npaj tswj txheem txheej cov kev pab rau ib tug neeg tau ua me me kev nqis peev uas tej zaum yuav siv ib zaum li ntiav saab nrog rau hauj lwm ruaj ntseg thiab kev yuav khoom ib xyoos twg cov lais xees rau kev ruaj ntseg enhanced tov loj loj, tsis tau txog tshua uas cov mafia hais thiab hackers ua hauj lwm relentlessly upgrading cov kev txawj ntse thiab ua rau lawv muaj ntau ua xub tuag. If the same company spends those funds in developing a machine-learning based infrastructure that automatically updates itself with latest discrepancies and weaknesses found in data security platforms, and the technologies to combat them, the system might evolve itself into a robust and powerful ever-expanding financial security stonewall for the enterprise.

Kuj nyeem ntawv – Dab tsi yuav Shape rau yav tom ntej ntawm kev kawm tshuab hauv 2018?


Ntawm tus kheej, we might conclude that though traditionally the financial enterprises worldwide have been relying upon a combination of human experts and technological solutions to make things easier for them, the trends clearly suggest that adopting an entirely Artificial Intelligence and machine-learning based solutions is going to be the smart order of the day for them in future.

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Sau Bio: Shantanu Chaturvedi is director of technology at Stepout Solutions. He is a passionate technical writer and writes on different technology stack.

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