Java Reflection, Introspection and Customization – sadələşdirilmiş

Java Reflection

Java Reflection

Baxış: In this document we will talk about reflection, introspection and customization in Java beans. These are the important aspects of Java programming language using which we achieve the dynamism at runtime.

Reflection and introspection are two important features of Java programming. These have been included in the JDK 1.1 to allow the developers to dynamically generate and re-use the code. These features allow an object to discover its own information and about other objects at runtime. Reflection allows the developer to create objects which can:

  • Construct new instances of classes and their arrays.
  • Access the fields of objects or classes and modify them if required.
  • Invoke methods on objects or classes.
  • Access the elements of the arrays and modify them if required.

One can argue that all of the above facilities are available in any object oriented programming language. However in java with the help of reflection we can achieve these without knowing the name of the class or object on which these actions would be performed at compile time the state and behavior of the class or object is determined at runtime. The following picture shows the role of reflection in Java programming:

Java Reflection

Java Reflection

Figure 1: Reflection in Java programming

Introspection in java is used in the context of Java beans which defines the component model of java. Introspection feature enables a java bean to get the properties, methods and events of other beans at runtime. This helps the developers to design and develop their beans without knowing the details of other beans.

Introspection and reflection are interrelated. Reflection is low level feature which allows our code to check the internals of other classes or objects at runtime. Introspection is based on this feature and provides a more convenient interface to check the beans at runtime. In fact introspection feature uses the low level reflection to check the objects internal attributes.

The Reflection API:
Java 1.1 introduced the reflection framework. Reflection is commonly used in programs which require checking or updating the runtime behavior of the application running in the Java virtual machine. This is a relatively an advanced feature and should be used with utmost care. With this fact in mind, we can say that reflection is a powerful technique and enable applications to perform operations which would otherwise be impossible. Let us look into the following code base which shows the usage of reflection:

Listing 1: A Sample class implementing reflection


package com.home.reflect;

idxal java.lang.reflect.Array;

idxal java.lang.reflect.Field;

idxal com.home.VO.EMPVO;

ictimai sinif DemoReflect {

ictimai statik String dump(Object obj, int callCount) {

callCount ;

StringBuffer tabs = yeni StringBuffer();

uğrunda (int k = 0; k < callCount; k ) {



StringBuffer buffer = yeni StringBuffer();

sinif clazz = obj.getClass();

əgər (clazz.isArray()) {




uğrunda (int I = 0; mən < Array.getLength(obj); i ) {

əgər (mən < 0)


Object value = Array.almaq(obj, mən);

əgər (value.getClass().isPrimitive() ||

value.getClass() == java.lang.Long.sinif ||

value.getClass() == java.lang.String.sinif ||

value.getClass() == java.lang.Integer.sinif ||

value.getClass() == java.lang.Boolean.sinif

) {


} daha {

buffer.append(dump(dəyər, callCount));





} daha {




isə (clazz != sıfır) {

Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();

uğrunda (int I = 0; mən < fields.length; i ) {





çalışmaq {

Object objVal = fields[mən].almaq(obj);

əgər (objVal != null) {

əgər (objVal.getClass().isPrimitive() ||

objVal.getClass() == java.lang.Long.class ||

objVal.getClass() == java.lang.String.class ||

objVal.getClass() == java.lang.Integer.class ||

objVal.getClass() == java.lang.Boolean.class

) {


} daha {

buffer.append(dump(objVal, callCount));



} tutmaq (IllegalAccessException e) {





clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();





return buffer.toString();


ictimai statik ləğv əsas(Sim[] args) {

EMPVO emp = yeni EMPVO();



Sistem.həyata.println(DemoReflect.dump(ƏMİP, 5));




Listing 2: The EMP VO class


package com.home.VO;

ictimai sinif EMPVO {

xüsusi int empNo;

xüsusi String empName;


* @return the empNo


ictimai int getEmpNo() {

return empNo;



* @param empNo the empNo to set


ictimai ləğv setEmpNo(int empNo) {

bu.empNo = empNo;



* @return the empName


ictimai String getEmpName() {

return empName;



* @param empName the empName to set


ictimai ləğv setEmpName(String empName) {

bu.empName = empName;




The reflection API consists of the following classes from the java.lang and java.lang.reflect package:

  • sinif
  • Array
  • Inşaatçı
  • Field
  • Member
  • Method
  • Modifier

Limitations of Reflection:
Reflection is powerful and should be used with utmost care. It should be used only in the situation when there is no other option left as it has the following limitations:

  • Performance overhead: Since reflection uses the types which are dynamically resolved, some of the JVM optimizations are not performed. Bunun nəticəsi olaraq, reflective operations are slower than the not reflective ones.
  • Security restrictions: Reflection requires a runtime permission which may not be available while running within a security manager. E.g. an applet which runs under a restricted security context.
  • Exposure of internals: Since reflection allows the code to perform operations which would illegal for a non reflective code e.g. accessing the private fields and methods, use of reflection may result in some unwanted side effects.

The Introspection API:
Introspection is an automatic process in which the bean’s design patterns are analyzed to extract the bean’s properties, events, and methods. Introspection has some great advantages as under:

  • Re-usability.

The introspection API consists of the following classes from the java. Bean package:

  • BeanDescriptor
  • BeanInfo
  • FeatureDescriptor
  • EventSetDescriptor
  • MethodDescriptor
  • PropertyDescriptor
  • IndexedPropertyDescriptor
  • Introspector
  • SimpleBeanInfo

Hər iki əks və introspection Java proqramlaşdırma mühüm aspektləri var və yalnız tamamilə zəruri istifadə olunmalıdır. Aşağıdakı kodu parçasını əks və introspection bir yerdə göstərir:

Listing 3: introspection göstərən Sample kodu


package com.home.reflect;

idxal java.lang.reflect.Method;

ictimai sinif DemoIntroSpect {

ictimai statik ləğv əsas(Sim[] args) {

çalışmaq {

sinif clazz = Class.forName(“com.home.VO.EMPVO”);

Method [] üsulları = clazz.getMethods();

uğrunda (Metod üsul : methods) {

Sistem.həyata.println(“Metod adı = ” +method.getName());


} tutmaq (ClassNotFoundException e) {

// BÜTÜN Auto yaradıldı tutmaq məhəllə






vizual vəziyyətin tələblərinə uyğun olaraq java lobya xassələri dəyişdirmək üçün Özelleştirme xüsusiyyət təmin edir. ki, əks və introspection ola bilər, belə ki, lobya nəzərdə tutulmuşdur bir, bu xüsusiyyətləri həqiqətən baş və ya olub-olmadığını yoxlamaq üçün kodu test olmalıdır. E.g. Bizə saat lobya nəzərdən keçirək. The user should have the power to customize it to digital or analog based on some property. Some visual builders e.g. the netbeans IDE use property sheets in order to customize the beans.


Reflection, introspection and customization all three are dependent on each other. To conclude this topic let us summarize what we discussed above in the following bullets as under:

  • Reflection was introduced in Java 1.1.
  • Reflection allows the developer to create objects at runtime which can :
    • Construct new instances of classes and their arrays.
    • Access the fields of objects or classes and modify them if required.
    • Invoke methods on objects or classes.
    • Access the elements of the arrays and modify them if required.
  • Reflection and Introspection has got some drawbacks as under :
    • Using these features degrades the performance of the program.
    • The code becomes more open as the internals are exposed.
    • Errors in method invocation are discovered at run time. In normal exercise these are caught by the compiler at compile time.
    • The code becomes more complicated and it becomes difficult to maintain it.
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