Technology Trends

Understanding Machine Learning

Understanding Machine Learning

  We have heard the term ‘machine learning’ in different discussions and forums, but what does it exactly mean? Machine learning can be defined as a method for data analysis, based on pattern recognition and computational learning. It comprises of…

Impact of machine learning on teaching excellence?

Impact of machine learning on teaching excellence?

Агляд Машыннае навучанне можа патэнцыйна перагледзець не толькі спосаб атрымання адукацыі, але і спрыяць якаснаму навучанню з боку студэнтаў,,en,Найважнейшай часткай ролі машыннага навучання ў навучанні з'яўляецца індывідуальнае навучанне,,en. Probably, the most important part in the role of machine learning in teaching is customized teaching. With machine learning,…

Best Innovative Tech Business Ideas to Explore

Best Innovative Tech Business Ideas to Explore

Overview – Since the epidemic, people’s lives have become critically reliant on the speed and reliability of the internet. Today is the time for innovative technological startups. This is the opportunity to share your most innovative technological startup concepts with…

How Artificial Intelligence can control criminal activities?

How Artificial Intelligence can control criminal activities?

How Artificial Intelligence can control criminal activities? Overview Artificial Intelligence is being used to both prevent and control crimes in many countries. In fact, AI’s involvement in crime management dates to the early 2000s. AI is used in such areas as…

IT Infrastructure Skills and their importance

IT Infrastructure Skills and their importance

Overview IT infrastructure is not given enough importance across organizations although it provides the foundation for service support and delivery, according to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) which provides industry-standard best practices for aligning IT services with business needs. According…

Top 10 Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Business

Top 10 Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Business

Overview – Since Bitcoin catapulted Blockchain into the limelight and it’s been widely touted for its potential to transform the industry, there is no denying that small businesses can use blockchain technology to transform themselves. The benefits of Blockchain technology…

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