Deep Learning

Quantum Machine Learning: Transforming Data Analytics

Quantum Machine Learning: Transforming Data Analytics

Агляд – In the consistently developing scene of innovation, the combination of quantum registering with AI and information science. Interference in Quantum Computing has introduced another time of uncommon conceivable outcomes. This cooperative energy, frequently referred to as Quantum AI…

Challenges and opportunities in quantum machine learning?

Challenges and opportunities in quantum machine learning?

Агляд – Quantum computing has been an emerging technology with tremendous potential to revolutionize the way we process and analyze data. One of the most promising applications of quantum computing is in the field of machine learning, where it can…

ChatGPT and Generative AI

ChatGPT and Generative AI Overview – ChatGPT is the new revolution in technology world. It is based on Generative AI model. Generative AI is a combination of AI algorithms to create new content based on the user input. The output…

What is the role of contextual Integration in predictive analytics?

What is the role of contextual Integration in predictive analytics?

Overview Context with predictive analytics is the key differentiator for any successful recommendation. It is not only the quality, availability or price of the product, but the ‘context’ (which is real time) that helps make the most appropriate recommendation to…

Understanding Machine Learning

Understanding Machine Learning

  We have heard the term ‘machine learning’ in different discussions and forums, but what does it exactly mean? Machine learning can be defined as a method for data analysis, based on pattern recognition and computational learning. It comprises of…

Impact of machine learning on teaching excellence?

Impact of machine learning on teaching excellence?

Агляд Машыннае навучанне можа патэнцыйна перагледзець не толькі спосаб атрымання адукацыі, але і спрыяць якаснаму навучанню з боку студэнтаў,,en,Найважнейшай часткай ролі машыннага навучання ў навучанні з'яўляецца індывідуальнае навучанне,,en. Probably, the most important part in the role of machine learning in teaching is customized teaching. With machine learning,…

What’s the difference between AI & машыннае навучанне?

What’s the difference between AI & Machine Learning?

What is artificial intelligence (AI)? Artificial intelligence is a part of computer science that can mimic human intelligence. The word Artificial intelligence refers to “Human-made thinking ability.” Thus, science is used to define artificial intelligence. AI system does not require…

Four levels of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Achieved and Theoretical

Four levels of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Achieved and Theoretical

Author – Kaushik Pal Overview Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) brings a revolution in computer science in the age of Big data. The data is the new fuel for business. And, extracting the insight from this data is…

Promises and drawbacks of machine learning

Promises and drawbacks of machine learning

Overview Machine learning is a special type of algorithm which can learn from data and make predictions. As we collect and get more data from various sources, the predictions can be made more appropriately. However, з другога боку, there…

Artificial Intelligence Is Turning More Human Than Humans

Artificial Intelligence Is Turning More Human Than Humans

Агляд: As the years have passed, Artificial Intelligence has seeped in our lives to a great extent. As the advancements grow from new feeds to efficiency tools, the distance between what is human-made and machine-made is getting practically undetectable, bringing…

Data virtualization and complex large volume of data

Data virtualization and complex large volume of data

Агляд: The data virtualization industry has been growing fast, something that experts think is going to last. As data becomes one of the most important assets in business, corporations are looking for ways to get the best out of it.…

Artificial intelligence and Aviation Industry

Artificial intelligence and Aviation Industry

Overview The aviation industry, especially the commercial aviation sector, is constantly striving to improve the way it works and customer satisfaction. To that end, it has been using AI. Though AI in the aviation industry is still in the nascent…

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