Artificial Intelligence

What is the role of contextual Integration in predictive analytics?

What is the role of contextual Integration in predictive analytics?

Overview Context with predictive analytics is the key differentiator for any successful recommendation. It is not only the quality, availability or price of the product, but the ‘context’ (which is real time) that helps make the most appropriate recommendation to…

Impact of machine learning on teaching excellence?

Impact of machine learning on teaching excellence?

Агляд Машыннае навучанне можа патэнцыйна перагледзець не толькі спосаб атрымання адукацыі, але і спрыяць якаснаму навучанню з боку студэнтаў,,en,Найважнейшай часткай ролі машыннага навучання ў навучанні з'яўляецца індывідуальнае навучанне,,en. Probably, the most important part in the role of machine learning in teaching is customized teaching. With machine learning,…

Best Innovative Tech Business Ideas to Explore

Best Innovative Tech Business Ideas to Explore

Overview – Since the epidemic, people’s lives have become critically reliant on the speed and reliability of the internet. Today is the time for innovative technological startups. This is the opportunity to share your most innovative technological startup concepts with…

How Artificial Intelligence can control criminal activities?

How Artificial Intelligence can control criminal activities?

How Artificial Intelligence can control criminal activities? Overview Artificial Intelligence is being used to both prevent and control crimes in many countries. In fact, AI’s involvement in crime management dates to the early 2000s. AI is used in such areas as…

What’s the difference between AI & машыннае навучанне?

What’s the difference between AI & Machine Learning?

What is artificial intelligence (AI)? Artificial intelligence is a part of computer science that can mimic human intelligence. The word Artificial intelligence refers to “Human-made thinking ability.” Thus, science is used to define artificial intelligence. AI system does not require…

How creativity can be implemented in AI?

How creativity can be implemented in AI?

Агляд – Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes the power of computing systems to a different level. It is amazing to even think that a computing system can emulate human beings. There are many fantastic examples of AI in various areas of…

Four levels of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Achieved and Theoretical

Four levels of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Achieved and Theoretical

Author – Kaushik Pal Overview Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) brings a revolution in computer science in the age of Big data. The data is the new fuel for business. And, extracting the insight from this data is…

How the Fintech startup uses ML to disburse loans and detect fraud?

How the Fintech startup uses ML to disburse loans and detect fraud?

Агляд: The rise of fintech has not only enabled the banks and organizations to offer better services but has also changed the way financial operations were undertaken. Many benefits can assure you of the importance of Fintech, artificial intelligence, і…

6 tech trends you need to remember in 2022

6 tech trends you need to remember in 2022

Агляд: While you might be fascinated by AI yet couldn’t care much for blockchain, both can be applicable to making your business fit and future-ready going forward. Beyond the peripheral and relatively minor apps and other small innovations companies might…

Big data and AI need each other

Big data and AI need each other

Агляд: To anyone applying AI in any form, the response to the heading above might be “Duh!” That’s an obvious statement to those engrossed at the coalface, but for many others (especially on the client side), they have yet to…

Рэальныя прыклады выкарыстання ШІ ў адукацыі,en

Real-world Examples of the Use of AI in Education

Агляд : Pessimists will sound the alarm on the drawbacks of letting machine learning dominate the education space. For them, it’s a scary prospect for robots to be responsible for the education of their children. But that’s not true, right?…

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