Business Intelligence

Promises and drawbacks of machine learning

Promises and drawbacks of machine learning

Overview Machine learning is a special type of algorithm which can learn from data and make predictions. As we collect and get more data from various sources, the predictions can be made more appropriately. However, з другога боку, there…

Artificial Intelligence Is Turning More Human Than Humans

Artificial Intelligence Is Turning More Human Than Humans

Агляд: As the years have passed, Artificial Intelligence has seeped in our lives to a great extent. As the advancements grow from new feeds to efficiency tools, the distance between what is human-made and machine-made is getting practically undetectable, bringing…

Data virtualization and complex large volume of data

Data virtualization and complex large volume of data

Агляд: The data virtualization industry has been growing fast, something that experts think is going to last. As data becomes one of the most important assets in business, corporations are looking for ways to get the best out of it.…

Artificial intelligence and Aviation Industry

Artificial intelligence and Aviation Industry

Overview The aviation industry, especially the commercial aviation sector, is constantly striving to improve the way it works and customer satisfaction. To that end, it has been using AI. Though AI in the aviation industry is still in the nascent…

Federated Learning – What is it?

Federated Learning – What is it?

Overview Machine learning as a concept is nothing new. You come across various examples of machine learning in your day to day lives. Recommendations provided by an ecommerce website is, напрыклад, an outcome of machine learning. Google has been…

Impact of AI on the ART Industry

Impact of AI on the ART Industry

Уводзіны Штучны інтэлект,,en,Тэхналогія стварае свае сляды ў мастацтве, і пра яе ўдзел можна сказаць, як на папярэдніх этапах,,en,будучыня здаецца захапляльнай,,en,У той час, калі мастацтва і творчыя прафесіі лічыліся сваімі,,en (AI) technology has been setting its footprints in arts and though its involvement can be said as in the preliminary stages, the future seems exciting. At a time when arts and creative professions were thought the…

Exploring Big Data and Self-Service Analytics

Exploring Big Data and Self-Service Analytics

Overview Self-service is a part of our daily lives. People are empowered to do their tasks themselves, like monetary transactions at an ATM, filling up gas from gas stations, check-in at an airport and many more similar activities. So, на…

Learn Advantages and Disadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence

Learn Advantages and Disadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence

Агляд: Artificial Intelligence directly translates to conceptualizing and building machines that can believe and are independently able to accomplish tasks, thus exhibiting intelligence. If this advancement in engineering is a blessing or a bane to individuals and also our surroundings…

Types of Artificial Intelligence – Let’s Explore

Types of Artificial Intelligence – Let’s Explore

Overview When I used to mention a technology that totally altered the 21st century, also it’d be Artificial Intelligence. Simulated intelligence can be a piece of our regular lifetime and that is the reason I feel it’s significant we comprehend…

How IoT is shaping the Commercial Industry? Overcoming the Hindrances

How IoT is shaping the Commercial Industry? Overcoming the Hindrances

Агляд: Do you know there will be nearly 75 billion active IoT devices by 2025 across the world? IoT has changed the way we approach technology. By using technology, today, many businesses are operated in the remote location efficiently. Business…

A Beginners Guide to Create Chatbot for your Business

A Beginners Guide to Create Chatbot for your Business

Агляд: Virtual digital assistants such as Alexa and Siri have become popular among consumers. Not so long ago, industry stalwarts predicted that consumer digital assistants shall become the hot favorite of many homes. Their prediction cannot be disputed. Another favorite cognitive…

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