4 Steps to Build a Secure Website for Your Startup

Build secure website

Steps To Build Secure Website


Your startup idea probably needs one more thing before you can fully launch it in the universe, and that’s a website. Your website is what’s going to make your startup official and more appealing to investors. However, the hard work and sleepless nights you’ve put into creating it will become a waste if you don’t know how to secure it.

Here are four ways on how you can build a secure website.

  1. Get Ready for Cyber Attacks

Having a mindset that’s ready for cyber-attacks will help you create a site that’s not only secured but also prepared for the worst. The biggest mistake that startup founders and even small business owners make is underestimating hackers.

These tech criminals are keen on targeting new websites because they know the security will most likely be flawed. Even if the website security is superb, if they wish to target you, they’ll find a way to get inside. For instance, they can send a phishing email to one of your employees and install a key-logger on your system. As stated by VPN Compass, the best Australian iPhone VPN in the market, sending phishing emails is still one of the most effective ways that hackers can infiltrate a system.

Here’s are steps on how you can get ready for the worst:

  • Use a VPN when surfing the website to protect your data.
  • Explain the importance of strong passwords to your employees.
  • Educate your employees about cyber-attacks and safe Internet browsing practices.
  • Carefully design levels of access for your employees.
  • Perform regular security audits.

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  1. Use a Secured Web Host

Web hosting is a service offered by companies to host a website and make it accessible on the Internet. When you sign up for a web host, you’re generally renting out a server space. When choosing one, be sure to shop around and don’t pick a web host just because it’s the cheapest option available. Look for the following qualities to ensure you’re getting the best security:

  • Backup features – Only go for web hosting services that offer regular backup services to its clients. Some hosting companies do this once in 24 гадзін, whereas others do it on an ongoing basis throughout the day.
  • Excellent customer support – There will be a time that your site will go down, and when this happens, you need someone to help you make things right again. Make sure that the hosting company offers 24/7 customer support because losing site visitors can mean losing profits.
  • Reliable speed – The best way to test the speed of a hosting company is by going to a website they’re already hosting. Find out if the speed is up to industry standard, which is 3–5 seconds.
  • Big storage space – Once your business grows, you’re going to need a lot of server space. Look for companies that provide storage upgrade options.

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  1. Use SSL Certificates

Security socket layers (SSL) is a security protocol used by websites to encrypt the connection between the browser and a server. Sites without SSL certificates are vulnerable to data interception, which is a process that hackers use to steal information without anyone knowing.

This kind of security is crucial for e-commerce sites or any type of site that collects sensitive information such as credit card details. A website that uses SSL has “https” and a lock icon displayed on its URL. Furthermore, an SSL certificate reinforces customers’ trust on your website, which will make them continue doing business with you.

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  1. Test before Launching

Before officially launching your website to the world, make sure you put a lot of time into testing it and ensuring that everything works. You don’t want to be launching a business that’s only half done. Not doing a test run before your launch could ruin your reputation because nobody likes someone who talks a big game but can’t back it up with credible results – that includes your investors.

Here are some of the tests that you could run before you launch:

  • Readability testing – Make sure that there are no misspellings or grammatical errors on any copies you have. The text should be easily readable and is in a comfortable font size.
  • Broken link testing – All of the links should work, and it should lead to the correct page of the site.
  • Mobile testing – Part of ensuring that the website offers a rich user experience is by knowing how it scales on different mobile screen sizes. Make sure that the site is still functional and pleasing even on a small screen.
  • Speed testing – Optimize your website so that it loads as fast as you can make it. A slow-loading website may run into the risk of losing visitors.

Another story – What You Should Do If Your Website Is Hacked?


Building a secured website is a continuous process. As hackers become more skilled at infiltrating sites, so should your skills in protecting it. Make sure that you regularly update your site and the plugins installed in it to avoid security issues. у рэшце рэшт, be prepared for the worst and create a security strategy for when the inevitable happens.

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