Zer Erreferentzia Arkitektura eta Fit / Gap aztertzea da


Erreferentzia Arkitektura definitzeko aurretik, hobe da software arkitekturaren inguruko ideia batzuk izatea. Software arkitektura hainbat definizio horiek iturri ezberdinetatik eratorritako. Eremuak diseinatzen tik, sortzeko eta mantentzeko ordenagailu handi sistemak kodea guztiak enpresa-sistema baten osagai fisikoak eta logikoak funtzionamendua guztiak sartuz, baita. Konbinazioa eta elkarrekintza osagai guztien da (software eta hardwarea) osoa sistema bat, hainbat enpresa-premia bereziak egiteko.

Erreferentzia Arkitektura eta Fit / Gap azterketa dokumentu Erreferentzia Arkitektura adieraziz oraingo proiektua arkitekturaren oinarri gisa erabili behar da, eta erabaki horren arrazoia barne laburra da. Da, baita ere, analisi-prozesu bat, erreferentziazko arkitektura eta bere ezarpena ulertzeko.

Erreferentzia Arkitektura A aurrezarritako arkitektura eredua enpresa bereziki, eta testuinguru teknikoa erabiltzeko diseinatu da.

Erreferentzia erakunde baten barruan arkitektura Iturria edozein frogatua esparru aktibo eta proiektu lehenago erabili ahal izango da. Lanaren produktua da, orokorretan eta aplikatzen berdin balio Erreferentzia arkitekturak aukeraketa beste iturri batzuetatik.

Erreferentzia Arkitektura baten zati garrantzitsuena da fitness eta azterketan zehar aurkitutako hutsuneak ulertzeko.

A Erreferentzia Arkitektura Fit / Gap aztertzea tabulates Erreferentzia Arkitektura bat hautatu parte hartzen duten faktore nagusiak:

  • Mailako eszenatoki
  • Mailako gidariak
  • Arkitektura ezaugarriak

Asset selection involves tradeoffs. Reference Architecture Fit/Gap Analysis documents the differences between the desired project architecture and the reference architecture in a statement-of-fit and identifies modifications required for the project.


Orain utzi helburuetarako Fit / Gap Erreferentzia Arkitektura ereduaren azterketa egiaztatu gurekin. Erreferentzia Arkitektura Fit / Gap analisia honako hauek dira erabiltzen

  • Bat irtenbide proposatutako garapen proiektua esparrua zehazten laguntzeko
  • As an input to other architecture work products. Depending on the size of the gaps, the chosen Reference Architecture and associated fit/gap analysis may form the basis for the whole architecture.
  • To highlight any gaps where the Reference Architecture does not fit project requirements. These indicate areas of risk or substantial architectural work required in the project. It also helps to select the reference architecture for the proposed project.

Impact of Not Having Reference Architecture

Erreferentzia Arkitektura bat hautatzea arriskua murrizten frogatua berrerabiliz, best-practice solutions. Not applying a standard Reference Architecture increases project effort and cost, eta proiektuaren porrotaren arriskua handitzen.

The best way to use architectural assets is to start by selecting a Reference Architecture. This will form the context for a more detailed selection of assets and guidance.

Ez Erreferentzia Arkitektura erabiliz arrazoi

Aktibo oinarritutako proiektuak, Produktu hori behar da beti ekoiztu.

Erreferentzia arkitekturak egokiak ez badira proiektu bat erabilgarri edo proiektu bat egitea erabakitzen ez Erreferentzia Arkitektura bat erabili, ondoren, gehien Laburpen Exekutiboa hartan, arrazoi Erreferentzia Arkitektura bat hautatuta ez zen barne, should be completed. Often even this is unnecessary. A note can be added to the documentation of the choice of work products.

Nola Fit / Gap azterketa dokumentatuta dago

A Erreferentzia Arkitektura Fit / Gap analisia, funtsean, testu-dokumentua, with tables assessing the requirements characteristic profile and subject area coverage. The tabular form describes all the required points to get a clear picture of the referred architecture and its fitness in the proposed project.

Executive Summary: Brief statement of selected Reference Architecture and any major issues/risks.

Sarrera: Introductory comments about the reference architecture.

Key Drivers: A brief statement of the business objectives or constraints.

Architecture Requirements Checklist: The document consists of a standard set of questions and potential answers regarding architectural requirements, which allows a systematic collection of the architectural requirements for the project. This set is used as a checklist to prompt for customer architectural requirements and associated issues, which are documented in a table, as below. This is a sample table and it can be of a different format according to the standard of the organization.

Requirement Reference Architecture Characteristic Required Value for Project Risks/Issues/Comments Points to Investigate
Requirement name Relevant range of values for this architecture Range applicable to the customer Any gaps, risks, likely future issues, topics for subsequent analysis

Subject Area Checklist:Each Reference Architecture encompasses several subject areas (sometimes referred to as “domains”). Subject areas are specific areas of concern, adibidez, the web based delivery channel is a subject area consisting of Web browsers, domain name servers, eta abar. A simple and clear way of examining the “fit” of a Reference Architecture to customer requirements is to compare it to the subject area coverage. Following is a table for capturing the details.

Subject Area
Present in Architecture? Required by Customer? Issues/Risks/Notes
Name of subject area Yes/No Yes/No

Statement of Fit:A summary of the extent of “fit” between the Reference Architecture and customer requirements. Each Reference Architecture is described at several levels of abstraction, eta orientazioa da maila bakoitzean emandako ezaugarriak onartzen an. Arlo bakoitzeko non Erreferentzia Arkitektura betetzen ez dituen baldintzak, deskribatu laburki:

  • Bete beharra. Hau oso garrantzitsua da, erreferentziazko arkitektura aukeratzeko.
  • Mota eta neurri batean delta duten baldintza izango litzateke Erreferentzia Arkitektura baldintza bete ahal izateko. Era berean, aipatu behar da zabaldu nahi izanez gero,, aldaketa, edo jaso berri bat gaiaren?
  • Kostu eta arrisku Delta kalkulua

Development Approach

The following steps should be taken in generating this work product:

  1. Identify the most likely Reference Architecture candidate. As there are a small number of Reference Architectures, each with a well-defined focus, it should be simple to identify one or two as relevant to the customer’s project goals and future business model.
  2. Review the description of the asset context, which is provided in both textual and illustration form, with the customer to assess fit. The illustrations, in particular, are a powerful way of checking customer understanding of the proposed approach. During this process, bezeroak bere aurrez adierazitako eskakizunak aldatzeko erabaki dezake, adibidez, aitorpen bidez Erreferentzia Arkitektura emandako arkitektura eredua dela bat aurrez zuen aurreikusitako superior.
  3. Erabili mailako Gidariak, IT Principles and Requirements lists to characterize customer requirements Check with the customer on whether there are any other important requirements that have not been covered by the standard characteristics.
  4. Examine the fit of the requirements with the characteristics provided by the Reference Architecture at various levels of abstraction.
  5. From the asset base, identify the subject areas covered by the Reference Architecture. Compare these with the subject areas required by the customer.
  6. Analyze the fit between the Reference Architecture and the customer requirements. Document all gaps, and make initial assessments with the customer on how these shortcomings will be resolved. This may involve:
  • Arkitektura luzatzeko (e.g., baten osagarriak Gai lotzen dituen)
  • Erreferentzia Arkitektura aldatzea (hau da,, bere barne egitura edo portaera aldatuz)
  1. Dokumentua erabakiak horietako bakoitzaren arrazoia hipotesi dagokionez, enpresa justifikazio, risks, eta abar.
  2. Make an overall assessment of viability and risk based on the information available at this point.

Validation and Verification

Perform the following checks:

  • Verify that the customer has approved the criteria used to compare and choose the Reference Architectures.
  • Verify that all major requirement areas of the customer have been considered.
  • Verify that critical dependencies of the architecture in the target environment can be met.
  • Balidatu ari bezero eta hornitzaileak Asset egindako ondoko irizpideen tradeoffs edozein.
  • Ziurtatu arkitektura dela aurreikusitako aldaketak elastikoak.
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