What is Cloud Computing?

Vjet: Let me describe Cloud Computing in details so that you can have a clear understanding.I believe most of us have heard the name ‘CLOUD COMPUTING’.But what does it mean?

First of all, why the name is so?

Let me describe in simple words.

The name ‘CLOUD’ has no relation with the internal technology used. And it does not have any relation with the computing area also.The name ‘CLOUD’ has come from the ‘CLOUD-SHAPED’ symbol used to represent abstraction/abstract layer around the software/hardware/infrastructure or any other service (known as services provided by the cloud).If you check any picture of cloud computing, you will found the CLOUD shaped diagram and everything is kept inside it.

The basic idea of cloud computing is, keep everything as SERVICE and use it when ever you need.

Users can access cloud-based applications through a web browser or a light-weight desktop or mobile app while the business software and user’s data are stored on servers at a remote location.

Cloud informatikë lejon ndërmarrjet për të marrë kërkesat e tyre dhe drejtimin e shpejtë me të përmirësuar manageability dhe më pak të mirëmbajtjes,,en,Ajo i jep fleksibilitetin për të rregulluar me shpejtësi burimet për të përmbushur të luhatshme dhe kërkesën paparashikueshme biznesit,,en,Ka shumë lloje të cloud publik si,,en,Infrastruktura si një shërbim,,en,Platforma si një shërbim,,en,Software si një shërbim,,en,Storage si një shërbim,,en,Staas,,fi,Sigurimit si një shërbim,,en,thatësirë,,gl,Dhënave, si një shërbim,,en,Mjedisi Test si një shërbim,,en,TEaaS,,et,Desktop si një shërbim,,en,API si një shërbim,,en,APIaaS,,ceb. It gives the flexibility to rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand.

There are many types of public cloud computing like

një) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
b) Platform as a service (PaaS)
c) Software as a service (SaaS)
d) Storage as a service (STaaS)
dhe) Security as a service (SECaaS)
f) Data as a service (DAAS)
g) Test environment as a service (TEaaS)
h) Desktop as a service (DAAS)
unë) API as a service (APIaaS)

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