What are the Ongoing Trends in Ecommerce?

Ongoing Trends in Ecommerce

Ongoing Trends in E-commerce – Let’s explore


E-commerce market has exponential growth in the past few years; thanks to mobile app development companies creating these amazing mobile apps with swift functionalities, titillating interfaces, and user experience that customers keep coming back for. So can expect more than what we have already seen in the e-commerce sector? Yes, we can, because technology is apparently evolving every day to become more efficient and integrated with our daily lives. And for that, we have to thank these app developers which keep the technology market always stirred up with new trends.

While most of the e-commerce enterprises depend on sales through mobile apps, there are some other trending technologies as well that are being adopted to bring about a boost in gains. In this article, we will discuss some such trends in e-commerce that are changing the way people shop.

Shoppable Videos

The recent installment in the e-commerce technology is Shoppable videos, and it is certainly going to change how people look for items on e-commerce platforms. In case of a shoppable video, customers can make purchases directly through the links embedded in the video itself. Shoppable videos allow one to interact with the product links and description, which is a new, unique way of marketing products on e-commerce platforms. To leave an impact on the customers, most of the e-commerce businesses make shoppable videos in short-film style, which is a nice way of fetching public attention.


Lately, we have seen chatbots being adopted by businesses from all sectors. But the one with the most adoption rate for chatbots is e-commerce. The reason behind that is the huge customer base, and also that there no direct link between the seller and customer. And due to limited number of executives, customers face trouble in getting instant support. Chatbots have tackled this challenge largely by automating the customer support service powered by AI software for smart replies and logic-based queries. Most of the chatbots follow the cognitive protocol that allows them to decide suitable replies as per each query; though at a basic level.


Although the ripples created by Amazon Prime Air were the most prominent ones, making use of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or Drones for delivery is not a new concept. Echter, the credit for implementing the concept in the e-commerce goes to Amazon. With Amazon’s promise to deliver any item within 30 minutes from placing of order, other e-commerce businesses as well have buckled up for the big change. But then the biggest challenges for small and medium e-commerce business in adopting drone delivery is to build aerial warehouses like Amazon’s.


Use of e-wallets is not new in e-commerce, and we have seen some of the biggest wallet services flourish partly because of e-wallets. But the recent advancements in e-wallet services, like payment banks, UPI integration, cashbacks etc., have succeeded in luring more customers than ever. Apps like Paytm and PhonePe have developed cashback systems that allow customers to use cashbacks just like they use conventional currencies. Interestingly, even some of the banking and finance institutions have stepped into e-commerce with the help of e-wallets. For example – State Bank of India hired mobile app developers to build SBI Buddy mobile app, which acts as interface to loyalty program launched by the bank itself. Using the points earned by making electronic transactions, a customer can purchase products directly from the SBI Buddy app, which has a huge range of products from categories like electronics, fashion, appliances, books and much more.

Augmented Reality

The use of AR has single-handedly tackled one of the biggest issues in e-commerce space – credibility. A rather unconventional use case in e-commerce space, Augmented Reality (AR) is being by many e-commerce businesses to allow their customers to understand and even try products before making the final purchase. For example – Lenskart – an online store for eyewear – allows customers to try-on eyeglass frame to check if it suits them. This way customers can completely get an idea of what they are buying, right before their smartphone screens, just like they would in a retail store.


E-commerce markets are growing at a rapid pace, and hence, more and more app development companies are constantly required to make digital solutions for businesses that new in the e-commerce market. In the future, we may also get to see smarter solutions with IoT Integration that would automate everything from recommendations to making purchases, as the e-commerce sector has already become smart enough with the use Artificial Intelligence.

Author Bio: Namratha is a Technical content writer at USM Business Systems – USM is a certified Minority Business Enterprise and global IT services and staffing company in USA. USM is a reputed AI development company USA and USM provide services on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Industrial Automation and Big Data Analytics.

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