What are the Key Benefits of Software Automation Testing?

Automation Testing

Automation Testing

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Testing automation has become imperative for small, large or medium size enterprises. If the SME’s do not pay attention to test their online service, then it may result in a delay in service or may create any performance issue. Several types of tests are performed during software or web development, as it may increase the software efficiency and ensure the robust quality of the software. Software testing can be done manually and by using ready to use tools as well. As per requirement and convenience, one can perform the testing and develop flawless software. The database is a crucial part of any software and in order to get completely secure and perfectly functional software, DB testing is mandatory. This article discusses that why should the software be tested and what are the benefits of testing any software?

Why should you Test Software?

Any software has two parts front end and back end and the backend consists of data, which travels back and forth from the frontend or user interface of the software. Whenever any changes are made in the database through front end then, while making these changes it is essential to maintain the CRUD relationship among various fields of the database table? This operation is called data mapping. Likewise, other reasons are there, due to which the software needs to be tested before the finalization or delivery. The main reasons are:

  • To maintain the data mapping
  • To validate the ACID properties
  • To maintain the data integrity
  • To validate the business rules

The second reason to test the software is to maintain the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) properties. ACID properties are crucial and can make the consistency throughout the database operations. As an addition or deletion of any record and make the database inconsistent, so for software developers, it is crucial to maintaining the consistency throughout the database and for this, the constraints must be there. Here the meaning of ACID properties is defined as under:

ACID Properties

ACID Properties

The third reason to test the software is to maintain the data integrity. Data integrity means that while making any changes in the database or maintaining the CRUD operations, the changes must be reflected in all forms and screen of the software. The DB test cases must be devised in a way so that the data of all places must be checked and it must remain consistent. This consistency can be ensured perfectly if it is detected earliest. Testers must identify any flaw due to any data inconsistency and inform about it to the developer so that they can remove that inconsistency.

A complex database includes not only tables and queries; instead, there are a number of stored procedures, relational constraints, triggers and procedures there in the database. These all are implemented to maintain the business rules or to implement certain constraints on the database. To implement the rules of business operations and to maintain the consistency of these operations, it is quite important to validate the automated business operations and for this, the most important and efficient way is to use the testing automation tools. These tools are freely available as well, but the paid versions come with various additional options, so can smoothen the testing steps and easily the process can be made simpler and quicker.

Key Benefits of Software Automation

Software testing can be done both manually and automatically, using certain testing tools. These software tools can execute the test cases effectively and compare the actual and expected result. As the tools check the software efficiency automatically, so without manual intervention the software proficiency can be guaranteed. One of the major reason to test the software with the help of tools is that testers can execute the test any number of times and at any time.

Following are the key benefits of software testing:

  • Quick or Accelerated Result: Even for the intricate and enormous system, plenty of time can be saved by automated testing and it can be implemented quickly. Due to this reason, the testing can be done repeatedly and it can deliver faster result with fewer efforts and time. So automated SQL testing can save the time and help in delivering the software in less time.
  • Immediate Feedback: To test various constraints or to validate several operations during various phases of the software the automated testing tools gives a great relief. Various team members of the project, including coders, designers and managers can immediately rectify and remove the technical glitch and the overall performance can be improved efficiently.
  • Improved Testing Efficiency: Manual testing involve higher involvement of the tester and takes a lot of time to test certain software modules. The testing speed, accuracy, and efficiency can be improved with the help of automated testing tools. These tools can be run in unattended manner and take less time.
  • Test Reusability: Due to similar test case requirement for various software modules, the same test case can be used repeatedly and the software developer can assess the program reaction. The same test cases can, therefore, be used through various approaches.
  • Earlier Detection of Defect: Defect identification and its documentation become considerably easier for the testing team as a result of which the overall development speed increases, which ensure the exact functionality across various areas. Earlier defect detection increases the development speed and can ensure timely delivery of the software.
  • Information Security: Testing automation can provide the security to data, as manual testing involves copy and pasting of data from one place to another, which may risk the database security and in case of automated testing the data is copied and pasted from the centrally stored location, due to which the database becomes safer and secured.
  • Reduced Expanse: The initial set up cost of automated testing may be high, but automated testing saves a lot as well. As in less time, the company can provide more tested software and they reduce the requirement of employees as well by reducing the manual involvement. The overall project cost can be decreased.

The most considerable and important factor here is that it adds the value to all stakeholders involved in the organization. It provides higher customer retention, increased brand recall, improved brand image and higher revenue. As a result of this, the organizations get the new height and better market image. The businesses can make the quality assurance a part of their organization and its business strategies. The employees must be aware of the importance of testing automation and quality software.

Final words

The automated testing can result in reduced time, cost and effort and provide a better contribution to the business operations. Increased productivity and maximized profit with the help of automated testing. Organizations which are involved in software development can use the automated testing tools if they want to make the testing process quick and efficient. Testing is an important and unavoidable step of the software development life-cycle and now the use of any software automation tools can make this step hassle free and speed up the complete process of testing and software development.

Author: William Hills

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