Real-world Examples of the Use of AI in Education

Use of AI in Education

Real-world Examples of the Use of AI in Education

Trosolwg :

Pessimists will sound the alarm on the drawbacks of letting machine learning dominate the education space. For them, it’s a scary prospect for robots to be responsible for the education of their children. But that’s not true, right? Ni fydd unrhyw beth yn cymryd lle gwybodaeth ddynol a rhannu o ran addysg,,en,Mae hyn yr ydym yn gwybod ei fod yn wir,,en,nid oes unrhyw beth o'i le ar fanteisio ar fanteision anhygoel,,en,Teimlad rhyfedd yn wir yw byw mewn byd lle,,en,peiriannau,,en,cyn bo hir bydd yn cymryd swyddi a rolau dynol eraill,,en,Allwch chi ddychmygu siarad ag ariannwr robot neu gael eich gweini gan weinydd robot,,en,Rydych chi'n gwybod am bartender robot,,en,Mae hynny'n gysyniad diddorol ar gyfer bariau a thafarndai,,en,Ond beth am AI yn yr ysgol,,en,Mae yna reswm,,en,graddau peirianneg gyfrifiadurol,,en,yn sydyn wedi dod yn beth yn ystod y degawdau diwethaf,,en,Mae'r peirianwyr hyn bellach yn creu'r caledwedd a'r meddalwedd i wneud dysgu peiriant yn bosibl,,en,Nid yn unig mae'n yrfa broffidiol,,en. This much we know to be true. However, there is also nothing wrong with capitalizing on the incredible advantages of AI.

It is a strange feeling indeed to live in a world where machines will soon take over jobs and other human roles. Can you imagine speaking to a robot cashier or being served your meals by a robot waiter? You know about a robot bartender. That’s an interesting concept for bars and pubs. But how about AI in the school setting? There’s a reason computer engineering degrees have suddenly become a thing in the past decades. These engineers now create the hardware and software to make machine learning possible.

Not only is it a profitable career, but it also allows you to tap the hidden skills and talents of these “machines.” You’re allowing them to augment the education system in places where well-educated and well-trained teachers are hard to come by. AI will improve the day-to-day lives of students, educators, and school administrators.


Some tutoring programs already exist in the App Store. You can download any of these apps to help you with English, Science, Math, and even something as common as penmanship. Students as young as three years old can learn how to read and write using these programs. The tutoring program will even assess the progress of the students to make an appropriate recommendation on tutoring.

While these will help teach them the fundamentals of the courses, they don’t teach high-order thinking. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth sydd ar ôl i'r athrawon o hyd,,en,Dyna pam na all unrhyw AI fyth ddisodli addysgwyr y byd go iawn,,en,Graddio,,en,O'r diwedd, gall athrawon roi'r gorau i raddio a threulio mwy o amser gyda'u hathrawon,,en,Y cyfan sy'n rhaid iddynt ei wneud yw mewnbynnu'r sgorau a gafodd y myfyrwyr yn yr arholiadau,,en,Bydd y peiriant yn gwneud yr holl gyfrifiadura,,en,Mae hyn wedi bod o gwmpas ers cryn amser,,en,ond nid yn unig yn ddiweddar y sylweddolodd athrawon yr hyn y maent ar goll,,en,Gall yr athrawon awtomeiddio graddio ar gyfer profion amlddewis a llenwi'r gwag,,en,Fel ar gyfer traethodau a'r rhai sydd angen meddwl yn ddadansoddol,,en,gall yr athrawon neilltuo amser ar gyfer hynny,,en,Mae llawer yn credu,,en,y daw amser pan all AI raddio arholiadau tebyg i draethawd eisoes,,en,Bydd paramedrau ac allweddeiriau yn y dyfodol y bydd yn rhaid i fyfyrwyr eu taro wrth ateb traethodau,,en. That’s why no AI can ever replace real-world educators.


Teachers can finally quit grading and spend more time with their teachers. All they have to do is input the scores the students obtained in the exams. The machine will do all the computing. This has been around for quite some time, but it’s not only lately that teachers realized what they are missing. The teachers can automate grading for multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank tests. As for essays and those needing analytical thinking, the teachers can set aside time for that.

Many believe, of course, that there will come a time when AI can already grade essay-type exams. There will be parameters and keywords in the future that students have to hit when answering essays. Mae yna raglenni ar gyfer y rhain eisoes,,en,ond maent yn dal yn eu babandod,,en,Myfyrwyr nad oes ganddynt yr adnoddau i fynd allan o'r wladwriaeth neu'r wlad i ymweld ag amgueddfeydd,,en,tirnodau,,en,a gall gwefannau eraill fynd ar daith bron yn lle hynny,,en,Os ydych chi'n athro hanes yn trafod yr Holocost,,en,yna taith rhithwirionedd o amgylch Amgueddfa'r Holocost yw'r union beth sydd ei angen arnoch chi,,en,yn gwneud pethau'n hwyl i fyfyrwyr hyd yn oed heb arian nac amser i deithio,,en,Mae'n agor byd hollol newydd iddyn nhw a fyddai fel arall wedi aros yn agos hyd yn oed mewn theori,,en,Nid yw pob myfyriwr fel ei gilydd,,en,gall meddalwedd addysg nawr addasu i'r myfyrwyr,,en,anghenion,,en,Defnyddio dysgu peiriant,,en,gall y feddalwedd feddwl am raglenni dysgu,,en,a gweithgareddau eraill a fydd yn ychwanegu at y myfyrwyr,,en,proses ddysgu,,en, but they are still in their infancy.

Virtual Reality

Students who do not have the resources to go out of state or country to visit museums, landmarks, and other sites can tour them virtually instead. If you are a history teacher discussing the Holocaust, then a virtual reality tour of the Holocaust Museum is just what you need. VR makes things fun for students even without money or time to travel. It opens up a whole new world for them that would’ve otherwise remained close even in theory.


Not all students are alike. Thankfully, education software can now adapt to the students’ needs. Using machine learning, the software can come up with learning programs, games, and other activities that will augment the students’ learning process. Mae'r rhaglenni hyn wedi'u cynllunio i helpu myfyrwyr i weithio ar eu cyflymder eu hunain,,en,Y peth gorau am hyn yw nad oes rhaid i'r athrawon asesu'r sefyllfa yn bersonol a dylunio'r ymyrraeth briodol,,en,Cwricwlwm,,en,Bydd addysgwyr yn colli allan ar rai,,en,bylchau yn y deunyddiau addysgol,,en,ac adnoddau sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr,,en,Mae hyn yn arbennig o wir mewn setiau dysgu ar-lein,,en,Gall rhai o'r pynciau hyn adael myfyrwyr yn ddryslyd,,en,Gall AI ddatrys y broblem honno,,en,Gall nodi bylchau trwy fesur y nifer o weithiau y cafodd myfyrwyr yr ateb anghywir i gwestiwn,,en,Yna gall y feddalwedd swnio larwm,,en,felly gall yr athro edrych ar sut i gefnogi'r myfyrwyr,,en,Adborth,,en,Bydd AI yn darparu adborth i'r ddau barti,,en. The best thing about this is the teachers don’t have to personally assess the situation and design the appropriate intervention.


Educators will miss out on certain gaps in the educational materials and resources that students have at their disposal. This is especially true in online learning setups. Some of these topics may leave students confused. Fortunately, AI can solve that problem. It can identify gaps by measuring the number of times students had the wrong answer to a question. The software can then sound an alarm, so the teacher can take a look into how to support the students’ learning.


Finally, AI will provide feedback to both parties. Rhaid i'r myfyrwyr ddeall beth yw eu diffygion a pham eu bod yn methu yn eu perfformiad,,en,Mae angen i'r athrawon nodi'r problemau,,en,a dod o hyd i atebion,,en,Efallai bod angen mwy o arweiniad a rhyngweithio wyneb yn wyneb ar rai myfyrwyr,,en,Pa faterion y mae'r myfyrwyr yn eu hwynebu a sut y gall yr athrawon eu helpu gyda'r problemau hyn,,en,Mewn byd sydd wedi'i newid am byth gan gyfrifiaduron,,en,a yw'n dal yn syndod gwybod y bydd AI rywbryd yn rheoli'r sector addysg,,en,efallai na fyddech chi'n fyw i weld y diwrnod pan fydd robotiaid yn llythrennol mewn ystafelloedd dosbarth,,en,ond mae'n werth sylweddoli y gall hyn ddigwydd,,en,Nid oes yn rhaid i chi ofni sut mae hyn yn dod yn ei flaen oherwydd bydd gan fodau dynol bob amser allu deallusrwydd uwch na pheiriannau a dyfeisiau,,en,Mae'n rhaid i chi wybod sut i'w defnyddio er mantais i chi,,en. The teachers need to identify the problems, too, and come up with solutions. Maybe certain students need more guidance and face-to-face interactions? What issues are the students facing and how can the teachers help them with these problems?

In a world forever altered by computers, is it still surprising to know that AI will someday rule the education sector. Sure, you might not be alive to see the day when robots are literally in classrooms, but it pays to realize that this can happen. You don’t have to be scared of how this progresses because humans will always have a higher intelligence capacity than machines and devices. You just have to know how to use them to your advantage.

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