Let’s clone in Java

Java Cloning

Java Cloning


The Cloneable interface in java is a marker interface. It does have any method. But if we write a class as below, it gives a message to the jvm that the class can be cloned. The following code shows a simple object cloning process –


package com.home.cloning;

საჯარო კლასის CloneClass implements Cloneable {

int a;

double ბ;

// This method calls Object’s clone().

CloneClass getClone() {

ვცდილობთ {

// call clone in Object.

return (CloneClass) სუპერ.clone();

} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {

სისტემები.გარეთ.println (” Cloning not allowed. ” );

return ამ;





Let us check the second example below.


package com.home.cloning;

საჯარო კლასის TestCloneObject {

საჯარო ცნოს testIface() {

CloneClass x1 = ახალი CloneClass();

CloneClass x2;

x1.a = 15;

x1.b = 35.05;

x2 = x1.getClone(); // clone x1

სისტემები.გარეთ.println(” x1: ” + x1.a + ” ” + x1.b);

სისტემები.გარეთ.println(” x2: ” + x2.a + ” ” + x2.b);


საჯარო სტატიკური ცნოს მთავარი(სიმებიანი args[]) {

TestCloneObject testCloneObject = ახალი TestCloneObject();

// test via protected




ზემოთ მაგალითად, the method [კოდი] getClone [/კოდი] calls the [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] method in the object and returns the object. It must be noticed here that the object with is returned after the cloning mechanism has to be type casted into its appropriate type, in this case it is

[კოდი] CloneClass [/კოდი]

If the class is not implementing the cloneable interface, and we try to clone that object we get a

[კოდი] CloneNotSupportedException [/კოდი]

In the process of cloning, the constructor is not called rather an exact copy of the said object is created. But the object of which the clone is created, must implement the cloneable interface.

The კლასის Object’s clone() method creates and returns a copy of the object, with the same class and with all the fields having the same values. However, [კოდი] Object.clone() [/კოდი] throws a [კოდი] CloneNotSupportedException [/კოდი] unless the object is an instance of a class that implements the marker interface Cloneable.

The default implementation of [კოდი] Object.clone()[/კოდი] performs a shallow copy. If a class requires a deep copy or some other custom behavior, it must have its customized [კოდი] clone()[/კოდი] method after they obtain the copy from the superclass.

Advantages of cloning

Cloning mechanism saves extra task of the developer in case we need to create a copy of an object. We do not need to call the [კოდი] ახალი [/კოდი] operator of the object. Thus cloning saves a lot of extra processing task of developer. A clone of an object is an exact copy of the object.

Disadvantages of cloning

One disadvantage of cloning is that the return type of the [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] method is an [კოდი] ობიექტის [/კოდი]. Hence a type casting is required on the created object.

Another disadvantage is that it is not possible to access the [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] method on an abstract type. Most interfaces and abstract classes in Java do not have the specify a public [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] მეთოდი. როგორც შედეგი, the [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] method is used only if the actual class of an object is known, which is against the abstraction principle of using the most generic type possible. For example, if one has a List reference in Java, one cannot invoke [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] method on that reference because List specifies no public clone() მეთოდი. Actual implementations of List like ArrayList and LinkedList all generally have clone() methods themselves, but it is inconvenient and bad abstraction to carry around the actual class type of an object.

Cloning is a potentially dangerous action, as it can have some unintended side effects. მაგ, if the object being cloned contains a reference variable say refObject, then in the cloned object, refObject will have the reference of the same object which the original object is referring to. If the clone makes a change in the contents of the refObject, then the change will be reflected in the original object as well. Consider the following example – If an object opens an I/O stream and is then cloned, then both of the two objects will be capable of operating on the same stream. Further, if one of these objects closes the stream, then the stream is closed for both and if the second object tries to write to it, this causes an error.

Since cloning can cause some problems, the [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] მეთოდი. So the [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] method should be called from within a class which is implementing the [კოდი] cloneable [/კოდი] interface where the method calling the [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] method is made protected, or it must be explicitly overridden by the class which is public. In the example above we have seen cloning by making the [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] protected. The following example illustrates the cloning methodology via overriding –


package com.home.cloning;

საჯარო კლასის CloneViaOverRiding implements Cloneable {

int a;

double ბ;

// clone() is now overridden and is public.

საჯარო Object clone() {

ვცდილობთ {

// call clone in Object.

return სუპერ.clone();

} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {

სისტემები.გარეთ.println(“Cloning not allowed.”);

return ამ;





Now check the next example below.


package com.home.cloning;

საჯარო კლასის TestCloneObject {

საჯარო ცნოს testPublic() {

CloneViaOverRiding x1 = ახალი CloneViaOverRiding();

CloneViaOverRiding x2;

x1.a = 10;

x1.b = 20.98;

// here, clone() is called directly.

x2 = (CloneViaOverRiding) x1. clone ();

სისტემები.გარეთ.println(“x1: ” + x1.a + ” ” + x1.b);

სისტემები.გარეთ.println(“x2: ” + x2.a + ” ” + x2.b);


საჯარო სტატიკური ცნოს მთავარი(სიმებიანი args[]) {

TestCloneObject testCloneObject = ახალი TestCloneObject();

// test via საჯარო





In this example the method, the method [კოდი] clone [/კოდი] of the object class is overridden that is why it is declared public in contrast to the earlier example, where the [კოდი] getClone [/კოდი] does not have any access modifiers making it accessible only at the package level.

In either of these two approaches, implementing the cloneable interface is mandatory.

The side effects caused by cloning are sometimes difficult to identify in the initial level. It is easy to think that a class is safe for cloning when it actually is not. ზოგადად, is not advised to implement the Cloneable interface for any class without having a solid business ground .

Alternative to cloning

Cloning mechanism has few alternatives –

  • copy constructor – a copy constructor is a constructor which accepts another instance of the same class as a parameter.
  • factory method – these methods are not always adequate when the concrete type of the cloned object is not known in advance.
  • Use of serialization and deserialization is another alternative to using clone.


  • Object cloning is the mechanism of creating a copy of an existing object
  • Cloning follows the shallow copy mechanism
  • Closing saves some extra tasks of the developer
  • Once the cloning is done the created clone object is required to explicitly casted in to the required type
  • Cloning has some side effects e.g if an object which is cloned has a reference to another object, and the new cloned object modifies the object which being referenced, then the original object also gets changed.
  • Cloning mechanism has some alternatives – the copy constructor, factory method, serialization and de-serialization.
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