How to Create 2D Animation Using Flash?

Orokorra: In this piece of writing I will portray one on the main quality of Flash, which is identified as ‘2D Animation’. In this session I will cover how to generate a new clean movie file, eta tresna eta sorkuntza zure lehen simple animazioa inplikatua by urrats 'Mugimenduan Tweening '.

Sarrera: 2D animazio estatistikak itxuratu eta / edo ordenagailuaren aurrean laburtu 2D grafikoak bitmap edo itxurako erabiliz eta laburtu 2D bektore grafikoak erabiliz. Horretan sartzen mekanizatu programatutako konbentzionalak animazio teknika bertsioak, zerbait gehitu pieza ere pixkanaka aldaketa idazteko gisa, tipula azala eta zerbait gehitu idatziz deskonposatzen esparru pieza batean. 2D animazio aplikazio asko ditu, analogikoa ordenagailua marrazki batekin, Flash marrazki bizidunak eta PowerPoint bizidunetako Cinema grafikoak dira oraindik GIF fitxategi baten itxura zein zati bizia ere argazkiak. Nowadays, animated logos are also a great way to stand out, so if you’re interested in those, be sure to click here.

Irudi1: Showing editorea

Flash fitxategi berria irekitzen:

Hasteko, I will open Flash by clicking on the Start icon in the listing that I’ve installed it within. If this is your primary instance loading the application, it will ask me to choose moreover Designer or Developer view, and a declaration that matches my monitor settings (this isn’t applicable to versions of Flash prior to MX). For our purposes in this lesson I’ve selected Designer view, and my screen is set to a declaration of 1024×768. (I can forever change this later by clicking the “Window” option in the top toolbar and then selecting “section set”.) On one occasion I have completed so as to, I’ll observe an empty dismissal surrounded by instrument set, akin to the casement on top of.

Adjusting Document Settings:

Image2: Showing document settings

The canvas is set to a evasion size; because I rather to work at standard sizes and aspects ratios for web production, I am departing to modify my canvas size from the default of 550 pixels wide x 400 pixels high to a smaller size of 320 x 240. I’m departing to do this by clicking the button on the Properties tab–the panel just under the canvas and functioning area–that displays the canvas size; this will open a new pop-up window containing the document’s properties. For right now you only need to be anxious about three things: the text amount, the backdrop colour, and the border speed.

I am going to regulate my size to 320 x 240 by myself entering the principles in the seats provide, use the colour strike to choose a glow white backdrop, and go away the frame rate set at 24 fps (FPS). This is the defaulting border speed for mesh manufacture; for television and other media production, it is able to go as high as 30 frames per second. 12 is all that i actually require for Flash animation for the web; it still allows a reliable pour of movement, but avoid raise my folder capacity by addition additional border.

Opening to the main Toolbar and sketch a figure:

image3: Showing tool bars

This is situated to the right side of the window, I will see the Tools panel, with icons charitable I admittance to the main functions I’ll need to start drawing and animating in Flash CS6. To start with, I can able to click the icon that looks like a hand, in the right-hand column about halfway down under the “View” heading. This is the (appropriately and humorously named) Hand Tool; if I click and drag my mouse in my work area with this tool selected, I zehazki arrasta dezakezu nire mihise nik kokatutako arte non asetzeko duzu.

Just behin izan dut nire lana espazioa ezarritako zorionez, dezagun saiatu zerbait marrazten. Goiko ekipamendu taula push botoia atxikitzeko atalean azpian itxura zurbila ring beltzez eskema bat; hau Oval Erremintaren da. aplikatu ahal izango dut edozein zirkular forma marrazteko. Tresna gainerako Under dira bi kolore-hautatzailea leihoak: bata “trazatu” (irudikatzen arkatz baten grafiko bat) eta bestea “Bete” (irudikatzen tint pail baten grafiko bat). igurtzia da forma kolorea marraztu txandan, betetze gisa forma barruan kolorea da. urrun noa nire beltza trazua eta nire betetzerik ezartzeko gorri iluna, and then draw a small circle in the higher left corner of my canvas by clicking and then dragging awaiting the shape is at the needed size earlier than releasing.

Viewing the Timeline:

Image4: Showing time lines

Currently earlier than we jump right into animating, let’s take a view at one more area of the window: the timeline, set over the work area (depicted in the image under). The timeline is separated into two columns: the Layers column, and the actual timeline itself, separated into individual frames; the descending red line marks your current location in the frameset. The frameset is one of the mainly significant equipment in Flash; it allows me to keep track of your various objects and shapes and which layer they’re on, as well as custody pathway of my animation key frames and their timing and assignment. Most of the work of my animations will be done here.

As you can see, accurate at the present we have one layer (containing the circle drawn in the earlier step) with one timeline related by means of that thread. The first border of the frameset is grayed elsewhere by means of a little black spot mark; what that means is that this frame is a key frame, shaped mechanically when I drew the circle on top of that border. In command in the direction of breathing by means of tweening, I have to explain solution frame; absent them Flash has no commencement or finish points to animate in between.

Converting Your Shape to a Symbol:


Image5: Showing conversion

Earlier than we go any additional, Gure zirkulu aldaketa batzuk sortzeko eskatzen dizugu. Zergatik eskatzen forma honezkero dugu pixka bat, bestela marraztuta trukatzeko dugu? Zeren Flash ez du tarteko ohiko formak; saiatu duzu garrantzitsuak izan bada tarteko bat, nahiz eta substantzia gisa daude oraindik moldatzen, ez da lan egiteko, beraz, horiek trukatzeko dugu sinboloak; ez da hartu une bat baino extra.

Just eskuineko klik nire zirkulu enlace eta aukeratu “Ikur Bihurtu”. Laster-leiho bat erakutsiko du, zer ikurra, izena eman nahi dut galdetuz eta zer Behaviour da baliogarria izan dadin; eman izen bat, eta aukeratu “grafikoa”; Beste aukera geroago itxietan egingo, ikasgai garatuenek ere. Click “OK”; Ikusiko duzu zure objektu eraldatu eskema urdinean hurbil arabera. Ikur hau egingo da orain ikuspegia sartuko erregistro, which I be able to sight by using function key F11 or click on casement records; at what time code or substance be listed in the records, they be able to live reuse at some direct by just tardy them on the hessian.

Now, let’s get back to animating. On the next page, we’ll produce another key frame so that we can tell Flash to animate in between them.

Creating a New Key Frame:

Image6: Showing key frame

Let’s seem at the timeline again. If I’ll keep in mind, we set the frame rate for this document to 12 frames per second; that earnings that twelve of the blocks in the timeline will create up one second of animation. I desire my circle to move over one second, so I’m leaving to click on the twelfth block; the timeline is marked in increments of five, beraz, besterik zenbatu bi hamar adierazleen ondoren. I eskuin-klik bada mugan, bi maisu markoen aukerak behatzen dut: maisu markoa jarri eta Blank maisu markoa jarri. to Txertatu maisu markoaren gainean sakatu nahi dut; automatikoki kopiatzen aurreko markoa buruzko gauza osoa honetan (Gure zirkulu batera elkarrekin) Gako-fotograma berriak.

Jarraitzen klik eginez “Txertatu gako-fotogramen”, orain dela 12 fotograma aktibatua ikusteko gai eta nabarmenagoa puntu batekin izan duzu, besterik atsegin lehena; haien artean, gainera, agertu ere ez da hutsunea, 11an marko deigarri zuri apur bat lau aldeko figura arabera. Hau ondorioztatzen erraz eskuragarri, mugimendua ez da, edo “tarteko” markoaren banatan arabera kokatua; flash ditu mekanikoki jarri sotoan bat fotograma horiek on dute, eta horrela amaigabe gako markoaren erreplika bat bete.

Moving Symbol on a New Frame:

Now we’re departing to go back to our workspace; creating sure that I have still on frame 12 (the

Image7: Showing new frame

red timeline indicator have to be over that frame), use the Arrow tool to select the circle that I drew previous to; I will be talented to tell that it’s selected by the blue outline nearby it again. Click and drag on the circle to move about it wherever on your canvas; I’m leaving to move mine to the lower right-hand corner of my active space. (If not you want to animate your shape moving off-screen, don’t move it into the gray area nearby the canvas; objects in the gray area do not demonstrate up on the final animation.)

If I go back to my timeline and click on frame 1, pressing the “Enter” key will play all of my animation; though, it doesn’t look quite right, does it? The circle leftover in the unique position for the first eleven frames, earlier to suddenly snapping to the original site. In the after that footstep I’ll get be bothered of so as to by apply the movement tween.

Image8: Showing symbol editing menu

Adding together a movement tween to my moving picture:

Think it or not, this is the simple part. In Flash, “motion tweening” is worn to explain the method where the program mechanically creates the frames flanked by keyframe A of an object’s timeline and keyframe B to make a smooth animation depicting the object touching from one place to another. This is diverse from “shape tweening” because it doesn’t influence the substance form, dimension, or colour, baina orain itzulbiratu egingo dut gisa saio horren ondoren.

nire motion tarteko erlazionatzea, egin klik eta arrastatu saguaren nire markoa 1 marko 12 horiek hautatzeko; gero, ezin duzu gainera eskuin-klik markoak eta hautatu “Sortu Mugimenduan Tween”, edo on dezaket sakatu “Tarteko” Propietateak tresna panel eta hautatu ere goitibehera “Mugimenduan”. (Zoaz bere ezarpen lehenetsiak at beste aukerak.) markoak artifiziala Violet zurbila gerizpean txanda izango da, eta gezi bat egingo ikuspegi aurreneko gako-fotograma luzatzen azkeneraino sartuko; hau bat irabazi motion tarteko seinale da. (markoak joan bada borobil moreak baina gezi ordeztu line alferrik galdutako batek, eskuin-klik egin eta aukeratu “Kendu Tween” duten urratsak behar bezala amaitu egiaztatzeko aurretik.)

image9: final animazioa erakustea

Ondorioa:Dut orain eraginkortasunez nire lehen animazio amaitu; to play it, just push ‘Ctrl Enter’ key on the timeline, or preview by selecting File -> quick look in Browser to see what it will look like when exported. I have to see your circle touching smoothly from Start point to end point, with not any faults in between.
Practice drawing shapes and by motion tweens on them waiting I am sure I have got the hang of it; try attainment inspired with it, and see what I can come up with.

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