How Businesses Can Benefit From Email Validators?

Email validators

Email validators


If email marketing is part of your promotional strategy (which it probably is), you know how efficient it can be for your business. For example, 80% 的零售专业人士表明,电子邮件营销是留住客户的最佳方式,,en,电子邮件营销指标易于阅读和分析,,en,这有助于极大地改善广告系列并避免产生额外费用,,en,但是,如果您从电子邮件营销活动中获得的信息是错误的,该怎么办?,,en,如果您的策略有误怎么办,,en,这可能是出于一个简单的原因,,en,无法保持电子邮件列表的卫生,,en,电子邮件验证程序可以解决您的企业在处理不良的电子邮件营销分析时可能遇到的许多问题,,en,让我们来看看,,en,避免垃圾邮件陷阱,,en,将垃圾邮件发送到垃圾邮件文件夹中最简单的方法之一是使用垃圾邮件陷阱,,en,合法发件人可能会成为此类垃圾邮件陷阱的受害者,除非他们验证了他们的电子邮件列表,,en.

Email marketing metrics are easy to read and analyze, which helps improve the campaign tremendously and avoid extra expenses. But what if the information you obtain from your email marketing campaign is wrong? What if your strategy is faulty? It could happen for one simple reason: failing to maintain the email list hygiene.

An email validator can solve many problems your business could face when dealing with poor email marketing analysis. Let’s take a look.

1. Avoid Spam Traps

One of the simplest ways to put a spammy email into a spam folder is to use a spam trap. 不幸, legitimate senders can fall victims to such spam traps unless they validate their email lists.

如果您使用非法方式收集电子邮件地址,则所谓的原始垃圾邮件陷阱会出现在您的列表中,,en,例如网站抓取,,en,如果您购买了电子邮件列表,,en,它可能包含垃圾邮件陷阱,,en,这意味着您的电子邮件将直接进入垃圾邮件文件夹,而读者却没有机会看到它们,,en,据Byteplant的电子邮件验证专家称,,en,即使是最简单的电子邮件验证软件也可以识别垃圾邮件陷阱并将其从您的列表中删除,,en,避免列入黑名单,,en,如果您继续发送电子邮件,,en,最终被退回或在垃圾邮件文件夹中,,en,您的域名和IP地址可以被列入黑名单,,en,为什么将您的电子邮件视为垃圾邮件,,en,如果您继续将其发送到错误或不存在的地址,则可能会发生,,en,改善发件人的分数,,en,显示您作为发件人的声誉,,en, such as website scraping. If you have purchased an email list, it’s likely to contain a spam trap.

This means that your emails will go directly to spam folders without the reader ever getting the chance of seeing them.

According to email validation experts at Byteplant, even the simplest email validating software can identify spam traps and remove them from your list.

2. Avoid Blacklisting

If you keep sending emails, which end up bounced or in spam folders, your domain and IP address can be blacklisted. Why would your emails be considered spam? It could happen if you keep sending them to wrong or non-existent addresses.

Improving your sender’s score, which shows your reputation as a sender, can be tough. More often than not, blacklisted addresses need to be changed and so do the domains. This can substantially disrupt the operation of your marketing team and hinder promotional campaign results.

3. Save Money

When you use email service providers to send your mail, the more messages you send, the higher the costs are. If one out of every 10 emails on your list is invalid, you are paying 10% more than you should be for your email marketing campaign.

Meanwhile, the number of bounced emails means that your marketing team gets the wrong information about the efficiency of the campaign, thus working out new and often unnecessary strategies.

This forces the staff to work harder and lose focus on other important matters. As a result, your company wastes money and effort.

4. Better Customer Service

If you keep sending emails to wrong addresses, 您真正的客户可能没有得到他们,,en,如果要保留现有客户,,en,您必须发送后续电子邮件,,en,的消费者更喜欢每周收到一次以上的营销电子邮件,,en,上面的意思是,如果您设法将电子邮件发送给目标受众,则可以获得较高的保留率,,en,如果您未能发送正确的后续或促销材料,,en,您可能会失去重要的潜在客户,,en,这可能是由于在创建电子邮件列表期间出现了一个错误的拼写错误,,en,更大的利润,,en,一流的营销活动必须包括高质量的电子邮件营销策略,,en,无法确保所有客户都收到您的电子邮件,或者浪费时间来恢复发件人的声誉,,en,你赔钱,,en,通过利用诸如电子邮件验证器之类的简单软件,,en. If you want to retain existing clients, you have to send follow up emails. 28% of consumers prefer to receive marketing emails more than once a week.

The above means that you can get a good retention rate if you manage to send emails to the target audience.

If you fail to send the right follow-up or promotional materials, you could lose important potential customers. This can happen due to a silly typo during the creation of the email list.

5. Bigger Profits

A top-notch marketing campaign must include high-quality email marketing strategy. By failing to make sure all your customers receive your emails or wasting time on restoring your sender’s reputation, you lose money.

By taking advantage of such simple software as an email validator, 您可以放心地进行宣传活动的质量及其结果,,en,大多数营销专家使用电子邮件验证服务,,en,有些人仍然尝试用手清理他们的电子邮件列表,,en,但这太费时间了,,en,花点时间了解当今的验证器,明天改善您的业务,,en,,,en.


今天, the majority of marketing specialists use email validation services. Some still try to clean their email lists by hand, but it’s too time-consuming. Take time to learn about validators today and improve your business tomorrow.


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