Hadoop Basic concepts – Learn it now

Hadoop and Big Data

Hadoop and Big Data – Basic Concepts

Uvođenje: In this series, we will discuss some of the basic concepts in Hadoop and big data. We have tried to cover basic concepts and explain them to make it easy to learn and implement. We will keep on adding new Q/A on this page to explore different corners of Hadoop world. Please keep on watching.

Question: What is YARN?

Answer: It is a framework for job scheduling and resource management.

Question: How does MapReduce work?

Answer: In MapReduce, the compute process is moved to the data on the physical node (HDFS).

Question: What are the options for ‘safemode’ naredba?

Answer: ući, leave and get

Question: What will happen if multiple users want to access same file in HDFS at a single point of time?

Answer: Only the first user will get exclusive write access and the others will be rejected.

Question: What is the purpose of Speculative Execution in Hadoop?

Answer: To launch back up task to overcome slow running nodes.

To be continued…………..

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