Emerging and Disruptive Technology Trends

Disruptive Technology Trends

Disruptive Technology Trends


There are many features, rather than a single element that combine together to make something disruptive for a user. It can also be said without a doubt that “Disruption” is definitely a hard subject to cover sometimes, especially when talking in terms of technology, which does not cover wide subtopics but is an integral part of our daily lives.

Geoffrey Moore, best-selling author, consultant, disruptive technologist, and this year’s Mendix World keynote speaker, clearly explained this:

“Sustaining innovations are the key to consistent performance, whereas disruptive innovations are the key to dramatic changes in power”

In a digitally driven world, full of tech-savvy individual, as suggested by assignment help online UK, we frequently talk about how sustainable technologies benefit us, in more way than one. Disruptive technologies need serious considerations regarding the changes in patterns involved, the degree of human-tech intersections, and the arguments regarding their usage to get a deeper understanding about what is and is not a disruption to the human world.

So, What Exactly Is Disruptive Technology?

Where technology has a direct impact on our lives today and provides so many benefits to us, there’s not just a single feature that brings them under this broad category.

The disruptive innovations being developed today, fundamentally share the following characteristics:

  • Allow the user to do the same things better and with more efficiency
  • Doing new things that create new and greater value
  • Using advanced approaches over previously used techniques, making old methods

When speaking of disruptive technology, we can’t forget Prof. Clayton M Christensen of Harvard business school, who actually introduced the ‘market’ term called the ‘Disruptive Technology’, which we use today.

According to him, it refers to any technology that unexpectedly displaces an old technology in such a way that the old technology becomes redundant and is phased out to the consumers.

To understand the concept put forward by The Harvard Prof, we can simply take the introduction of automobiles as an ‘innovative’ technology, like an ideal example. Yes, it wasn’t a ‘disruptive’ innovation since day one, since in those early days, automobiles remained as an interesting luxury ‘toy’ in the hands of a few, and horse-drawn carriages were still the norm. The actual problem began with the introduction of mass-produced automobiles like the ‘Model T’ from Ford, which virtually replaced horse-drawn carriages!

Staying Ahead of the Disruptive technology Trends- Let’s look into them!

Coming to the topic, there are numerous technological advancements that have been made in 2019 and rightly so, being used by people all over the world. Where they make our lives much easier and embed themselves in our daily lives, it’s essential for us to highlight the disruptive technologies that have actually caused so much ease in our lives today!

AI technology- A limitless world!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is definitely not the ‘new kid on the block’ anymore since this technology has certainly become a powerful force driving innovation across all sectors today. A lot of features have changed in AI technology, including the pace at which AI is advancing.

Yes, even the way we work has fundamentally shifted thanks to AI, or the use of computers to perform tasks usually performed by humans today!

  • AI can identify inefficiencies that humans cannot, improving the ways in which businesses operate- Simply put; they increase the quality and productivity of the work that WE do.
  • Businesses can benefit from AI through the identification of inefficiencies and the automation of systems.
  • Individuals can benefit through advances in personal assistants, automating everyday tasks. From planning events on your calendar to ordering your groceries for you- It can do It all!
  • The education system sees a mega-shift in terms of a drastic change in the traditional approaches to teaching.

Blockchain- Is Crypto-currency the Next Big Thing?

Simply put; the answer is yes.

By definition, disruptive innovation can completely alter the economics and the means of exchange of an existing market, or create an entirely new market for products and services.

Blockchain has the capability to operate both as a “market disruptor” and a “new market creator” and so, it’s considered to be the biggest technological disruptor of the decade.

The key feature that gives it this status is because:

  • Involves shifting from centralized server-based internet systems to cryptographic transparent networks.
  • It’s an open, distributed ledger – recording transactions between the two parties efficiently and in a verifiable, transparent and permanent way
  • It possesses the potential to completely dispense the need for intermediaries in between

3D printing – The Democratization of Technology!

The idea of democratization of technology and disruptive innovation converge can be talked about in terms of 3D printing technology in the following ways:

  • The replacement of centralized productions, as-well-as long logistical supply chains.
  • 3D printing and additive manufacturing continues to expand, enabling manufacturing to increase speed and responsiveness to market
  • An evolutionary change within the 3D printing industry as well as the markets they serve will continue to allow this technology to expand further

This has many practical applications in a wide spectrum of fields, including:

  • Aerospace
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  • Automotive
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Business and finance

Augmented and Virtual reality- The future is NOW!

We are all aware of how Augmented and virtual reality technologies have been the “hot-topics” ever since they were developed. Offering such wide applications, this technology comes in the category of destructive technologies. Why?

  • There are start-ups building their technologies that combine robotics, 360 videos and VR for marketing high-end real-estate or to
  • creating compelling online shopping experiences and tours of museums and such with this kind of technology is easier than ever before
  • Practical classes using VR are taught in medical schools that require an in-depth learning experience
  • AR will be more tightly integrated into smartphones than ever before and will expand to more real-world uses beyond just games.
  • Continuation to be a powerful technology for people with disabilities by making tasks more convenient for them

Personal data Value platforms- Upgrading personal privacy!

There’s no doubt about the fact that personal data has become an economic asset in today’s advanced world. A lack of consumer knowledge about the exact usage of their data and its true worth could lead to reluctance to share data.

This issue can now be resolved by the Personal data value platforms that help in informing individuals about the value of their data. This has been made possible by driving a wave of new products and services, especially aimed at helping consumers to take ownership of their personal information- How amazing is that?

Moreover, the introduction of legislation, such as GDPR will also contribute to this goal of greater privacy, as organizations will have to comply with strict data rules that don’t allow easy access to your information.

A Digitally Driven World!

Considering the fast-paced advancements that we have been witnessing the past few decades, it’s worth underlining that whatever we may expect right now, will ultimately be surpassed by great developments, beyond our imagination.

During such crucial times, it’s important to ask ourselves questions like “How to adapt ourselves and the businesses we create to keep pace with such rapid change?” so that we don’t lag behind in the process of growth and developments.

A speech to wrap it all up, given during the Future Ready Internship Fair held at Ann Polytechnic, clearly explains the unpredictability of the future of our digitally driven world:

“Disruption is all around us; Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, actually owns no property. Facebook, the world’s largest media company (though they vehemently deny being one), generates no content. Or Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no cars. It does not take a genius to realize that traditional business models are being upended, and in a hurry too.”

Author Bio: Andrew Lewis, a Post Graduate in political Science from the University of Radboud was born in the Netherlands. She is currently working as a Content Contributor at best assignment writer. Her professional experience includes providing Assignment Help at top-notch educational sectors.

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