Kev loj hlob software

Software AS a Service (SAAS) – Qha

Software AS a Service (SAAS) – Best Practices

Overview – SAAS stands rau Software as a Service. Ntawm no mus kom ze, Daim ntawv thov no muaj nyob rau hauv internet (internet) ntawm daim ntawv. Qhov installing thiab tuav cov software peb tsuas yuav tsum tau mus saib cov software dua hauv internet.…

Kawm ua uas nws npaj tsim

Exploring the Basics of IT Planning

Overview An Information Technology (NWS) Lub hom phiaj yog ib txoj kev npaj los kis tau thiab optimilize tag nrho cov kev pab cuam thiab software cov chaw muab kev pab nyob rau hauv ib lub koom haum. Ib qho nws npaj yuav tsum tau aligned nrog lub hom phiaj ua hauj lwm ntawm ib lub koom haum. Li ntawd, tseem ceeb…

Kawm ua Zeta Architecture

Exploring Zeta Architecture

Txheej txheem cej luam: Lub Zeta Architecture yog ib txoj kev tshiab ntawm qhov li koj hais haum thiab enterprise architecture. Thaum twg koj yog deploying tau cov Zeta architecture, koj muab koj cov tshuaj thiab enterprise architecture tsis zoo li hauv lub nruab kev architecture siv tam sim no. Feeb ntau, tus…

Xab lub ROI rau me nyuam los tu Hadoop

Measuring the ROI in Hadoop adoption

Txheej txheem cej luam: Nta, cov neeg zoo li yog tiag misinformed txog Hadoop, vim ntau half-truths uas yog fluttering txog nws nyob hauv txoj kev ua lag luam mas. Txawm li cas los, tag nrho cov half-truths tau muaj li Hadoop hais tias nws yuav yog ib qhov zoo tshaj plaws…

Kawm ua Automation thiab ntaub ntawv ntau thawj kauj ruam

Exploring Automation and Big Data Initiatives

Txheej txheem cej luam: Nyias analytics software lawm ib tiam sis cov nyob rau hauv kev loj hlob software rau tej lub sij hawm. Conceptually, muaj tsis ntau novelty txog nws, ho. Ceev raws li lub tswvyim lawm twb tau koj yuav zaub mov vas nthiv pob qij txha, nyiaj txiag pab thiab…

Yuav ua li cas kom lawv muaj ib daim ntawv thov ES6 thiab hnov mob?

How to build an application with ES6 and React?

Txheej txheem cej luam: Ua los ntawm Facebook raws li ib lub tsev qiv ntawv JavaScript rau lub tsev neeg siv interfaces, Hnov mob tau tuaj ib txoj kev ntev li ob peb xyoo. qhov tseeb, Nws tej chaw no tsis yog txwv rau developers tab sis kuj tias contributors. hnov mob…

Tshawb hauv phab Web rua kev txhim kho

Explore On-page Web Improvement Techniques

Txheej txheem cej luam: Nyob rau phab web site (Website txhim kho lub website) Qhia tag nrho cov taw los yog upgrades peb ua peb webpage thiab nws cov nplooj ntawv. Cov txheej txheem no yog kiag li tsis raws nraim kom koog tsev kawm ntawv off-Page uas peb muab me nyuam noj remotely. Muaj cov pawg piless…

Noog & Adaptive Web tsim

Responsive & Adaptive Web Design

Dhau li cas koj qhov chaw qhia tau hais tias nyob rau hauv ib lub chaw ua hauj lwm, ntsiav tshuaj, xov tooj ntawm tes, los yog PC yog yuav rau nws qauv. ua ntej, Ib lub website specialist yuav txiav txim siab yuav muaj ib tug qauv rau cov nplooj ntawv web site. Nyob rau ntees, qhov chaw tej zaum yuav nyob rau hauv…

Blockchain feem rau cov lag luam

Blockchain Impact on Digital Business

Overview Blockchain yog ib qhov tseem tham txog tshuab tam sim noadays. Nws muaj tej zaum mus cuam tshuam cov kev lag luam hauv txoj kev li cas cov ntaub ntawv yog muab thiab tswj. Nyob rau hauv nqe lus yooj yooj yim, Blockain yog ib tug faib secured cia kis thoob…

LMS Security nta koj cov ntaub ntawv kom zoo thiab suab

LMS Security Features to Keep Your Data Safe And Sound

Overview The digitization ntawm txoj kev ua lag luam yog inevitable. Thiab hnub ntawd tsis yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev thaum cov kev kawm thaum lub elearning yuav outnumber cov avenues ntawm kev kawm ntawv. Txij ntawm no mus txog lub sij hawm, Txawm li cas los, Neeg sector yog inclined ntau inclined…

Microservices thiab Software Development – ib nyuag kev sib sab laj

Microservices and Software Development – A Brief Discussion

Overview Microservices muaj ntau xim nyob rau hauv lub xyoo tsis ntev los no. Nws kuj yog ib tug heev architectural style raws li tus developers los tsim scalable, rov qab siv, txheej txheem modular. Lub tswvyim qab microservices yog tsis muaj dab tsi tshiab, tiam sis nws yog ib tug…

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