Software Development

Software AS a Service (SAAS) – Best Practices

Software AS a Service (SAAS) – Best Practices

Yfirlit - SAAS stendur fyrir Software AS a Service,,en,umsóknir eru afhentar á internetinu í formi þjónustu,,en,Frekar en að setja upp og viðhalda hugbúnaðinum þurfum við einfaldlega að fá aðgang að hugbúnaðinum á internetinu.,,en. In this approach, applications are delivered over the internet in the form of service. Rather than installing and maintaining the software we simply need to access the software over the internet.…

Exploring Automation and Big Data Initiatives

Exploring Automation and Big Data Initiatives

Yfirlit: Self-service analytics software has been one of the trends in software development for some time. Conceptually, there is not much novelty about it, though. Self-service as a concept has already been applied to fast food joints, financial services and…

Explore On-page Web Improvement Techniques

Explore On-page Web Improvement Techniques

Yfirlit: On-page web advancement (Website improvement) suggests all of the movements or upgrades we do to our webpage and its pages. This technique is absolutely not exactly equivalent to Off-Page tries in which we put attempts remotely. There are piles…

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