
Best Practices for Encryption Key Management and Data Security

Best Practices for Encryption Key Management and Data Security

Yfirlit – In the current environment for all businesses, the amount of data that organizations harness and manage is of incredibly huge proportions. Such magnitude of data is not just valuable to organizations, but also confidential to a large extent.…

IT Infrastructure Skills and their importance

IT Infrastructure Skills and their importance

Overview IT infrastructure is not given enough importance across organizations although it provides the foundation for service support and delivery, according to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) which provides industry-standard best practices for aligning IT services with business needs. According…

Top 10 Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Business

Top 10 Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Business

Overview – Since Bitcoin catapulted Blockchain into the limelight and it’s been widely touted for its potential to transform the industry, there is no denying that small businesses can use blockchain technology to transform themselves. The benefits of Blockchain technology…

Best Tips for Safer Browsing

Best Tips for Safer Browsing

Overview Nowadays, við notum margs konar vafra til að auðvelda heimsókn á Veraldarvefinn,,en,Windows notendur nota venjulega vafra eins og Internet Explorer og Edge,,en,Mac notendur,,en,nota hefðbundinn vafra fyrir Mac tölvur,,en,Apple Safari.,,en. Windows users typically use browsers like Internet Explorer and Edge. Mac users, on the other hand, use the traditional browser for Mac computers, Apple Safari.…

Ethical Hacking and Legal Protection

Ethical Hacking and Legal Protection

Yfirlit Siðferðis tölvusnápur færir fyrirtækjum gildi með því að finna öryggisgat áður en einhver með illar fyrirætlanir finnur það sama,,en,Það virðist einfalt að þeir verði skoðaðir með virðingu,,en,hlutirnir eru ekki eins einfaldir og þeir virðast,,en,Siðferðis tölvusnápur,,en,snjallar borgir geta breytt lífi okkar í grundvallaratriðum á mörgum stigum eins og,,en. It seems simple that they will be viewed with respect. However, things are not as simple as they seem. Ethical hackers…

Role of Big Data in User Authentication

Role of Big Data in User Authentication

Overview Password-based and two-factor and multifactor authentication processes have not been able to able provide protection to systems and data as well as was expected due to various reasons. Password-based authentication is too fragile and two-factor and multifactor authentication processes…

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