Txawb Security

Ntshai heev txawm hais kom cov lag luam me

Cyber Threats to Small Businesses

Txheej txheem cej luam: Cov lus tsis txaus siab tau txais los ntawm Internet chaw phem tsis txaus siab (IC3) nyob rau hauv 2018 yog 351,937. Qhov tias ib tug 16% ua kom txhob 2017, ob chav ntawd ntawm tus 8% cov ntaub ntawv ntawm zais 2016 thiab 2017. Thaum txais tau tshaj tawm tias txhaum…

Yuav ua li cas tiv thaiv Malware ntawm yuav tsum caiv koj lub Computer?

How to Prevent Malware from Infecting Your Computer?

Txheej txheem cej luam: Malware muaj ntau kuj muaj teeb meem rau ntau tus neeg thiab cov lag luam. Raws li tus SonicWall 2019 Daim ntawv qhia txog kev hem thawj midyear, dhau 4.8 malware billion tuaj tshwm sim rau xwb tog cheej nyob ntawm lub xyoo. Hnub no, Google tseem mus zoo ntxiv…

Zoo sib tham isthawmnev hais Security tsis – koj yuav tsum xyaum

Best Cyber Security Habits – You Must Practice

Txheej txheem cej luam: Thaum hauv internet twb ua rau nws yooj yim rau kev ua lag luam thiab muaj muaj zog connectivity, nws twb tseem thauj tau txhuv tuaj hais tias. Hnub no muaj ntau lub tuam txhab uas muag lawv tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv muaj nyob rau ntawm huab networks uas…

Drone Cops: Lub neej yav tom ntej ntawm tub ceev xwm tseem

Drone Cops: The Future of Police Surveillance

Txheej txheem cej luam: Drones muaj kab yog ib lub gadgets tshaj hnub no, thiab vim zoo — lawv pub koj coj cov duab zoo nkauj thiab cov yeeb yaj duab uas tsis tau nrog lub koob yees duab. Txawm li cas los, drones muaj kuj raug misused los ntawm cov neeg uas nrog tus neeg.…

Tuam txhab uas muag cov kev Proactive Stances tiv thaiv txim hais

Companies Are Taking Proactive Stances Against Cyber-crime

Ntiaj teb sib tham isthawmnev hais saib ib muag loj loj, thaum ob leeg lag luam, thiab cov neeg siv cov chaw sib tham isthawmnev hais tooj loj loj. Yog heev uas yog ua nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb sib tham isthawmnev hais hnub no. Thiab, ib cov tuam txhab uas muag loj loj…

Yuav luag txhua yam hauv koj lub Smartphone?

How to Secure Everything in Your Smartphone?

Txheej txheem cej luam xyoo dhau los, Einstein ua ib tsab ntawv, "Txhua tes hauj lwm muaj kev vaj huam sib luag thiab txheem cov tshuaj tiv thaiv". Peb kom paub meej hais tias nws thiab nws yog hais txog lub sij hawm peb teeb no xav rau peb tseeb technology hab tau ntxiv cov kev pab cuam los ntawm nws kev txawj ntse. Peb…

Tshiab hais-Security yog "Brainjacking"

New Cyber-Security Threat is “Brainjacking”

Txheej txheem cej luam: Hauv qhov tsos Hollywood, peb muaj tau menyuam li cas plaw yuav raug hacked, yuav tsum muaj thiab ib txoj kev tswj cov neeg stimulated. Qhov no yog nkawd lub illusion los yog li cas peb tsuas tau saib hauv qhov tsos yog xa rau ib qhov kev muaj tiag. According…

Rau cov neeg siv Mac – Xyuas kom koj tus kheej los ntawm ntau cov tuam txhab uas muag

For Mac Users – Ensure Your Privacy from Big Data Companies

Txheej txheem cej luam: Cov ntaub ntawv loj yog ib evolving lo lus nta teev tus nqi uas voluminous xyaum, cov ntaub ntawv ib xyaum thiab unstructured; mus yuav piam sij mus rau kev sib sau ua ke qhia uas. 3Vs; qhov ntim ntawm cov ntaub ntawv huab, ntawm ntau yam ntaub ntawv ntau hom thiab cov…

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