Mobile Security

Ethical Hacking and Legal Protection

Ethical Hacking and Legal Protection

Агляд этычных хакераў прыносяць каштоўнасць арганізацыям, знаходзячы прабіі ў бяспецы перад тым, як хтосьці са шкоднымі намерамі знойдзе тое ж самае,,en,Здаецца проста, што на іх будуць глядзець з павагай,,en,усё не так проста, як здаецца,,en,Этычныя хакеры,,en. It seems simple that they will be viewed with respect. However, things are not as simple as they seem. Ethical hackers…

How to Prevent Malware from Infecting Your Computer?

How to Prevent Malware from Infecting Your Computer?

Агляд: Malware attacks have become a major concern for many individuals and businesses. According to SonicWall’s 2019 Midyear Threat report, over 4.8 billion malware attacks happened in just the halfway point of the year. сёння, Google continues to excel more…

Кампаніі займаюцца актыўнай пазіцыяй супраць кіберзлачыннасці,en

Companies Are Taking Proactive Stances Against Cyber-crime

Overview Cyber world is growing rapidly, as both businesses as well as individuals are using the cyber space in huge numbers. There is a lot that’s being done in the cyber world these days. And, a huge number of companies…

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