Nola ziurtatu dena zure telefonoan,en?

How to Secure Everything in Your Smartphone

Nola ziurtatu dena zure telefonoan,en


Duela zenbait urte,,en,Gure telefonoa oso gutxitan ematen dugu gure ordenagailu eramangarrietara itzultzeko arrazoia, gure lineako transakzioetatik posta elektroniko pertsonaletara eta negozio eskaintza profesionaletara doazen guztia hartzen duelako.,,en,Gure telefonoak bizkarra dute,,en,Aurreikuspena arazo bat konpontzea baino hobea da beti,,en,kostua behar duen edo ez,,en,Gure telefonoak nonahi egiten ditugu gure aldi baterako batera,,en,enpresa edo informazio sentikorra bertan,,en,Litekeena da gure informazioa telefonoa galtzea beste edozein gauza baino,,en,oso gomendagarria da hasieratik segurtasun eta segurtasun neurriak hartzea,,en,Gure telefonoetan gordetako informazio guztia gordetzen dugu,,en,Jasotzen dugun fitxategi bakoitza,,en,deskargatu edo harrapatu, edozein motatakoa,,en,poltsikoetan eskuragarri dago,,en, Einstein made a statement, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. We sure believe him and it is about time we incorporate this thought into our latest technology and get further benefits from his wisdom. We have our smartphone which rarely gives us any reason to switch back to our laptops as it covers everything from online transactions to personal emails and professional business deals. Our phones have our backs! Precaution is always better than fixing a problem, which may or may not require a cost. We carry our phones everywhere we go along with all our casual, business or sensitive information in it. We are most likely to lose our information through our phones than any other thing. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you take safety and security precautions from the very beginning.

We indeed have all our information saved in our phones. Every file we receive, download or capture regardless of its type, is available right in our pockets. Gure telefonoa erabiltzen duen pertsona guztia literalki sar daiteke,,en,eta, jakina, ez dugu horren bidez joan nahi,,en,Denok egon gara,,en,Segurtasun asko axola eta Interneten hornitzaile fidagarri bat izatea tokiko kableen eskaintzetan, zure bizkarrean duen garrantzia oso garrantzitsua da,,en,Dena seguru eta seguru mantentzeko moduak eztabaidatuko ditugu,,en,Kontuan izan,,en,gure telefonoetan datu sentikorrak nola ezkutatu,,en,Erabilera aktiboa,,en,Pass-codesanti,,en,Ezarri zure telefonoarentzako pasahitz sendo bat,,en,ez da oso bistakoa,,en,Inoiz ez erabili urtebetetzeak edo telefono zenbakiak pasahitz gisa, inbaditzaileek erraz iruditzen zaiela,,en,Azken gailu adimenduei buruz,,en,haien hatz-markak erabil ditzakezu gailua desblokeatzeko,,en,Hatz-markak ez dira bakarrak baina soilik hizketan,,en, and we obviously do not want him/her to go through it. Yes! We all have been there. Gaur egungo munduan, security matters a lot and having a reliable internet provider at Local Cable Deals that has your back is of utter importance.

So, in this article, we will discuss some authentic ways to keep everything safe and secure. Keeping in mind the fact, how to conceal the sensitive data in our phones.

  1. Actively Use Pass-codesanti

Set a strong password for your phone, which is not very obvious. Never use birthdays or phone numbers as your password because intruders can easily figure them out. On the latest smart devices, one can use their fingerprints for unlocking the device. Fingerprints are not only unique but factually speaking, ezinezkoa da haiengatik edo kopiatzea ezin dela hautsi,,en,Ez dio axola norbaiten bila dabilen edo sorbalda gainditzeko zoazen saiatzen den norbaitek - hatz-markak beti aukera segurua izaten jarraituko dute.,,en,Zure erosotasun mailaren eta zure telefonoaren aukeren arabera,,en,Beti kopiatu ezin daitekeen edo identifikatu ezin den identifikazio metodo bakarra erabili,,en,Zifratutako informazioa,,en,Azken gailu gehienek lehenespenez informazio guztia guztia enkriptatu dezakete,,en,are gehiago, erabiltzaileak ez du jakitun automatikoki eta atzeko planoaren ezaugarri hori,,en,Zure gailua galdu edo lapurtzen du,,en,enkriptatzea ziurtatzen du zure datuak seguruak diren begien aurrean,,en,Jakina, ez duzu arrotz bat sare sozialen kontuetatik pasatzea nahi,,en,posta elektronikoko edukia,,en,mezuak eta bestelako informazio pribatua,,en. No matter how much someone tries to peep in or stalk you over the shoulder in a congested place – fingerprints will always remain a safe option. Depending on your comfort level and the available options in your phone – always go for the unique identification method which cannot be copied or traced.

  1. Encrypted Information

Almost all the latest devices can now by default encrypt all the information. Aldiz gehienek, even the user is not aware of this seamlessly automatic and background feature. In case, your device gets lost or stolen, encryption ensures that your data is safe from prying eyes. You obviously do not want a stranger going through your social networking accounts, media, email content, messages and other private information, ez duzu besteekin partekatu nahi,,en,Datuak enkriptatuta badira,,en,inork ezin du sartu, azken teknologiari esker,,en,Behar izanez gero, enkriptatzea aktibatu,,en,Konfiguratu urruneko garbiketa,,en,Azkeneko telefono gehienak lehenetsitakoak onartzen ditu,,en,urruneko garbiketa eginbidea beti ideia ona dela ziurtatzea,,en,ICloud edo Google Sync bat zure telefonoan konfiguratzea bezalakoa da,,en,Ezaugarri bereziak urruneko datu guztiak garbitu ahal izango dituzu, urruneko garbiketa teknologia erabilita gailua Internetera konektatuta dagoen bitartean.,,en,Batzuetan,,en,Zure galdutako telefonoa ere eskura dezakezu eskaintza honekin datozen beste funtzio batzuk erabilita,,en,Deskargatu Telefonoa Kokapena App,,en,IPhonea baduzu,,en. As long as the data is encrypted, nobody can access it – all thanks to the latest technology. Be vigilant about activating encryption if needed.

  1. Set up Remote Wipe

Though most of the latest phones support it by default, ensuring the remote wipe feature is always a good idea. It is more like setting up an iCloud or Google Sync on your smartphone. This particular feature will allow you to wipe out all the data remotely just by using its remote wipe technology as soon as the device is connected with the internet. At times, you can even locate your lost phone by availing other features that come with this offer.

  1. Download Phone Location App

If you have an iPhone, "Bilatu nire iPhone" izeneko aplikazioa Apple dendatik lor dezakezu edo Android telefono bat baduzu,,en,"Non dago nire Droid" aplikazioa Google Play dendatik deskargatu beharko zenuke,,en,Aplikazio hauek zure telefonoa kokatzen lagunduko dizute edozein arrazoigatik galtzen baduzu,,en,Zure etxeko lanak egin,,en,Telefonoa galtzen baduzu,,en,lehenengo begiratu hari gabeko konexio hornitzailearekin jakiteko telefonoa urrunetik eta datu guztiak ezaba ditzaketen jakiteko,,en,Zure telefonoan dena babesten duzula ziurtatu behar duzu,,en,Datu sentikor guztiak ordenagailu eramangarri batean gorde behar dira,,en,pen-drive edo lineako hodei babeskopiak larrialdi batean sartu ahal izateko,,en,Egiaztatu babeskopia eguneratzen duzula erregularki,,en,Irakurri baldintzak,,en, you should download “Where’s my Droid” app from the Google Play store. These apps will help you locate your phone if you lose it for whatever reason.

  1. Do Your Homework

If you lose your phone, first check with your wireless connection provider to find out if they can remotely access your phone and delete all the data. However, you need to make sure you have a backup of everything on your phone. All the sensitive data must be kept in a laptop, pen-drive or online cloud backups so that you can access it in an emergency. Make sure that you update the backup on a regular basis.

  1. Read the Terms and Conditions

Aplikazioa instalatu aurretik edo telefonoan ezer baimendu,,en,irakurri arretaz baldintzak,,en,deskargatu aplikazioak iturri fidagarri batetik Apple edo Google Play Store soilik,,en,Ez eman baimena hirugarrenen aplikazio bat zure datu pertsonalak atzitzeko,,en,batez ere susmagarriak badira,,en,Segurtasun softwarea,,en,Eskuratu segurtasun softwarea telefonoan,,en,hala ere,,,en,iturri ezezagunetatik deskargatzea ez da gomendatzen,,en,Beti Apple-ri,,en,Android edo Blackberry produktuak,,en,Beren doako produktuak fidagarriak eta seguruak dira,,en,Telefonoa edo fabrikatzailearen gomendioak ere kontuan hartu ditzakezu,,en,Ez egin dena klik,,en,Gure ordenagailuak modu egokian tratatzen ditugu,,en,Eduki eszeptikoen bidez eduki susmagarriak saihestuz, mezu elektronikoak edo linean dauden edozein lotura saihestuz,,en, read the terms and conditions carefully. Also, only download apps from a reliable source like Apple or Google Play Store. Do not give permission to a third-party app for accessing your personal data, particularly if it looks suspicious.

  1. Security Software

Get security software in your phone, nonetheless, downloading from unknown sources is not recommended. Always go for Apple, Android or Blackberry products. Their free products are equally reliable and secure. You can also consider your phone or manufacturer’s recommendations.

  1. Do Not Click Everything

Just the way we treat our computers, by avoiding suspicious content through any skeptical source either they are emails or any link floating online. Ez dago ezer egin beharrik gabe edo deskargatzeko arrazoirik gabe,,en,arrazoi bat baduzu ere,,en,ziurtatu iturburua zure gailuan gordetzeko nahikoa dela fidagarria eta sinesgarria,,en,Deskargatu Antivirus software bat,,en,Android telefono bat baduzu,,en,mantendu birusen aurkako softwarea, zure telefonoa malware eta beste lineako mehatxuetatik babesten laguntzen baitu,,en,Segurtasun aplikazioak telefonoaren softwarea sartzeko birusak galarazten ditu,,en,Egiaztatu zure antivirus eguneratuta dagoela babes maximoa ziurtatzeko,,en,Saihestu Wi-Fi publikoarekin konektatzea,,en,Wi-Fi publikoa norbaiten telefonoan edo ordenagailu eramangarrian sartzeko errezetarik egokiena da,,en,Interneteko Wi-Fi irekiarekin konektatutakoan,,en,hackerrek zure telefono sarean erraz sartzeko eta bertan gordetako datuetara sar daitezke,,en,nagusiki,,en, even if you have a reason, make sure the source is reliable and credible enough to be kept in your device.

  1. Download an Antivirus Software

If you have an android phone, do keep an antivirus software as it helps protect your phone from malware and other online threats. Security apps discourage viruses from getting into your phone’s software. Make sure you keep your antivirus updated for assuring maximum protection.

  1. Avoid Connecting With Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is one of the most convenient tricks to get into someone’s phone or laptop. Once the internet is connected to the open Wi-Fi, hackers can easily get into your phone’s network and access the data stored in it. Cyber criminals, predominantly, access sensitive information for stealing bank details and passwords of personal or professional accounts that must not be shared with anyone due to high privacy. You can try using VPN services like Hotspot Shield to strengthen your privacy and to restrict access to sensitive data. Hackers cannot reach a concealed network.

  1. Keep Your Apps Updated.

Sometimes tapping “remind me later” to the latest update notification can prove to be disastrous. Old versions of any app can have a loophole, which might encourage and make way for a hacker to get into your phone and access your sensitive information.

The bottom line is:

If someone loses their precious data from their phone or laptop, there are multiple solutions to restore that. You can simply wipe the data from your phone remotely in order to restrict anyone’s access. Online backups, cloud storage and offline storage can also be maintained for not keeping any sensitive data in phones which are more likely to get stolen or misplaced. Always encrypt the data so nobody can read it. Losing identity, even for a couple of hours, can cause great repercussions; therefore, taking precautions is always a safer option.

Author Bio: Nathan John works as a content editor at Local Cable Deals. He has seven years of experience in content writing and he works on various communities.

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