Software Development

Java vs,,en,Melyik a jövő nyelve,,en,Kezdõ útmutató a Chatbot létrehozásához az üzleti életben,,en. Python: Which is the language for the future?

Java vs. Python: Which is the language for the future?

Áttekintés: A Python nyereségesebb nyelv, mint a Java,,en,A Python egy megfejtett nyelv, amely gazdag nyelvi struktúrával rendelkezik, és jó választás a szkripteléshez és a gyors alkalmazások fejlesztéséhez számos zónában,,en,A Python egy erőteljesen összeállított programozási nyelv, ahol,,en. Python is a deciphered language with rich language structure and makes it a decent choice for scripting and quick application improvement in numerous zones. Python is a powerfully composed programming language where…

A Beginners Guide to Create Chatbot for your Business

A Beginners Guide to Create Chatbot for your Business

Áttekintés: Virtual digital assistants such as Alexa and Siri have become popular among consumers. Not so long ago, industry stalwarts predicted that consumer digital assistants shall become the hot favorite of many homes. Their prediction cannot be disputed. Another favorite cognitive…

Play framework and Java – How to create web applications?

Play framework and Java – How to create web applications?

Áttekintés: Play is an open source Java based web application development framework. The framework has been written in Scala with a Java wrapper API. It follows MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural model and RESTful architecture. The main focus of Play framework is…

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