Inside NoSQL – Not only SQL

Inside NoSQL – Not only SQL

Prehľad - Nosql znamená nielen SQL,Čo znamená databázu s niektorými rozšírenými funkciami RDBMS,Dnes databázy ako Nosql získavajú popularitu v podniku,Jedným z najznámejších príkladov databázy NosQL je mongodb,Jeho, which means a database with some extended features of RDBMS. Today databases like NoSQL are gaining popularity in the enterprise. One of the most known examples of NoSQL database is MongoDB. Its…

Open source databases and their popularity

Open source databases and their popularity

Prehľad: In today’s world, organizácie majú rôzne možnosti pre databázy,,en,väčšina systémov správy databáz,,en,DBMS,,en,boli uzavreté zdroje,,en,Možnosti boli teda obmedzené,,en,Ale teraz,,en,so zavedením databáz s otvoreným zdrojom,,en. In earlier days, most of the database management systems (DBMS) were closed sources. So the options were limited. But now, with the introduction of open source databases, industry…

Introduction to NoSQL Database

Prehľad: NoSQL database is the buzzword in the current software industry. NoSQL database is also widely accepted, but it is NOT a replacement for the traditional relational database management system (RDBMS), which stores data in relational tables. So we can…

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