Mobile Security

Cyber Threats to Small Businesses

Cyber Threats to Small Businesses

概观: 互联网犯罪投诉中心收到的投诉数量,,en,集成电路3,,ar,这标志着,,en,从...增加,,en,的两倍,,en,之间的报告增加,,en,随着犯罪活动的继续,,en (IC3) in 2018 was 351,937. This marks a 16% increase from 2017, double that of the 8% increase in reports between 2016 和 2017. As reported crimes continue…

Best Cyber Security Habits – You Must Practice

Best Cyber Security Habits – You Must Practice

概观: 虽然互联网使开展业务变得更容易,并且增加了连接性,,en,它还带来了网络攻击的危险,,en,目前,大多数公司都在云网络上提供了全部数据,,en, it has also brought in the dangers of cyber attacks. These days most of the companies have their entire data available on cloud networks which…


Companies Are Taking Proactive Stances Against Cyber-crime

Oorsig Cyber ​​wêreld groei vinnig,,en,aangesien beide besighede sowel as individue die kuberruimte in groot getalle gebruik,,en,Daar is baie wat tans in die kuber wêreld gedoen word,,en,'n groot aantal maatskappye,,en, as both businesses as well as individuals are using the cyber space in huge numbers. There is a lot that’s being done in the cyber world these days. And, a huge number of companies…

对于Mac用户,,en,确保大数据公司的隐私,,en,Mac用户的隐私权,,en,如何确保,,en,现在是一个不断发展的术语,它描述了大量的结构化数据,,en,半结构化和非结构化数据,,en,可能被挖掘用于收集信息,,en,VS,,en,极端的数据量,,en,各种各样的数据类型和数据的处理速度,,en,在大数据的保护下被描述为特征,,en,以TB为单位的数据捕获,,en,拍字节,,en,并以艾字节为单位,,en,随着时间的推移,,en,原始数据从多个来源收集,如,,en,业务记录,,en,科学实验结果,,en,实时传感器,,en,以不同的速度进行分析,,en,是否合理,,en,是一把双刃剑,,en,它使黑客能够轻松访问数百万人的信息,,en,百万Equifax客户的数据最近遭到破坏,,en – Ensure Your Privacy from Big Data Companies

For Mac Users – Ensure Your Privacy from Big Data Companies

概观: Big data is an evolving term nowadays that describes the voluminous amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data; potentially to be mined for gathering information. 3Vs; the extreme volume of data, the wide variety of data types and the…


Areas Which Lacks Research Effort in Cyber and Mobile Security?

Today security and privacy have become one of the most important elements for the global population of internet users. In an era where the widely held internet users prefer browsing their favorite websites and applications through their mobile devices, mobile…

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