Пословна интелигенција

Како ће вештачка интелигенција обликовати свет у наредној деценији,en?

How Artificial Intelligence Will Shape the World in the Next Decade?

Преглед : Have you ever wondered how your life will look like in an AI-driven world? Well, countless publications, talks, and studies have predicted humanity’s imminent implosion due to the ramifications of technological advances. One of the key topics that…

A Beginners Guide to Create Chatbot for your Business

A Beginners Guide to Create Chatbot for your Business

Преглед: Virtual digital assistants such as Alexa and Siri have become popular among consumers. Not so long ago, industry stalwarts predicted that consumer digital assistants shall become the hot favorite of many homes. Their prediction cannot be disputed. Another favorite cognitive…

Bringing BI and Predictive Analytics Together – How Big data can help?

Bringing BI and Predictive Analytics Together – How Big data can help?

Преглед: Big data is giving business intelligence (БИ) a new life as it now allows decision makers to make predictions. As each day passes, more and more data is being collected, which has then been found useful when integrated with…

Бусинесс Интеллигенце кључни појмови, објаснио

Business Intelligence key terms, Explained

У даљем тексту дају основне дефиниције и, у неким случајевима, релевантни примери различитих кључних терминологију који се користе у пословне интелигенције домена. Иако постоји неколико терминологија која се користе у овој области, the terminologies below have been chosen…

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