Business Intelligence

Quantum Machine Learning: Transforming Data Analytics

Quantum Machine Learning: Transforming Data Analytics

概觀 – In the consistently developing scene of innovation, the combination of quantum registering with AI and information science. Interference in Quantum Computing has introduced another time of uncommon conceivable outcomes. This cooperative energy, frequently referred to as Quantum AI…


ChatGPT and Generative AI Overview – ChatGPT is the new revolution in technology world. It is based on Generative AI model. Generative AI is a combination of AI algorithms to create new content based on the user input. The output…

Understanding Machine Learning

Understanding Machine Learning

  We have heard the term ‘machine learning’ in different discussions and forums, but what does it exactly mean? Machine learning can be defined as a method for data analysis, based on pattern recognition and computational learning. It comprises of…

Impact of machine learning on teaching excellence?

Impact of machine learning on teaching excellence?

Overview Machine learning can potentially redefine not only how education is delivered but also foster quality learning on the students’ part. Probably, the most important part in the role of machine learning in teaching is customized teaching. With machine learning,…

How machine learning can improve security?

How machine learning can improve security?

概述網絡安全格局一直在不斷發展,en,也許比想像快,en,不斷發展的景觀的一個特徵是安全威脅,en,新穎的威脅一直使組織因其活力和滲透性而使組織不眠之夜,en. Perhaps at a pace faster than imagination. One feature of the evolving landscape has been security threats. Novel threats have been giving organizations sleepless nights because of their dynamism and penetrative…


How Artificial Intelligence can control criminal activities?

人工智能如何控制犯罪活動,en? 概述人工智能正在用於預防和控制許多國家的犯罪,en,AI參與犯罪管理的歷史可以追溯到2000年代初期,en,AI用於此類領域,en. In fact, AI’s involvement in crime management dates to the early 2000s. AI is used in such areas as…

Top 10 Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Business

Top 10 Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Business

Overview – Since Bitcoin catapulted Blockchain into the limelight and it’s been widely touted for its potential to transform the industry, there is no denying that small businesses can use blockchain technology to transform themselves. The benefits of Blockchain technology…

How creativity can be implemented in AI?

How creativity can be implemented in AI?

概觀 – Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes the power of computing systems to a different level. It is amazing to even think that a computing system can emulate human beings. There are many fantastic examples of AI in various areas of…

How Blockchain Technology Helps Protect Business Data?

How Blockchain Technology Helps Protect Business Data?

概觀: Blockchain technology plays a significant role in cryptocurrency. Although it has been around for some time, it grew more popular when bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were at their peak. In the cryptocurrency industry, blockchain technology serves as a security to…

6 tech trends you need to remember in 2022

6 tech trends you need to remember in 2022

概觀: While you might be fascinated by AI yet couldn’t care much for blockchain, both can be applicable to making your business fit and future-ready going forward. Beyond the peripheral and relatively minor apps and other small innovations companies might…

Big data and AI need each other

Big data and AI need each other

概觀: To anyone applying AI in any form, the response to the heading above might be “Duh!” That’s an obvious statement to those engrossed at the coalface, but for many others (especially on the client side), they have yet to…

AI in E-commerce: Using Business Intelligence to Drive More Sales

AI in E-commerce: Using Business Intelligence to Drive More Sales

概觀: Amazon is undoubtedly the champion of e-commerce. Whether it’s their recommendations, usability or membership perks, this popular e-commerce platform wins the race because they excel in customer service – at a scale. But there’s more to Amazon’s strategy than…

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