
How Blockchain Technology Helps Protect Business Data?

How Blockchain Technology Helps Protect Business Data?

Pārskats: Blockchain technology plays a significant role in cryptocurrency. Although it has been around for some time, it grew more popular when bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were at their peak. In the cryptocurrency industry, blockchain technology serves as a security to…

How the Fintech startup uses ML to disburse loans and detect fraud?

How the Fintech startup uses ML to disburse loans and detect fraud?

Pārskats: The rise of fintech has not only enabled the banks and organizations to offer better services but has also changed the way financial operations were undertaken. Many benefits can assure you of the importance of Fintech, artificial intelligence, un…

Big data and AI need each other

Big data and AI need each other

Pārskats: To anyone applying AI in any form, the response to the heading above might be “Duh!” That’s an obvious statement to those engrossed at the coalface, but for many others (especially on the client side), they have yet to…

Populārākie cilvēku darbi, kurus var pārņemt AI un roboti,en

Top Human Jobs That AI and Robots Can Take Over

Overview Robotics and artificial intelligence are reshaping many industries and businesses. Read about industries that are now using robots in their production and other sectors that rely on this cutting-edge technology. Last August 14 in Dubai, a video that went…

Digital Transformation and Big data and analytics can Improve Customer Experience

Digital Transformation and Big data and analytics can Improve Customer Experience

Pārskats Digitālā pārveidošana ir galvenā joma, lai uzlabotu klientu pieredzi,,en,Lielie dati un analītika ir tikai instrumenti, kas palīdz digitālās pārveidošanas procesā,,en,klientu uzvedība vietnēs tika uzskatīta par kaut ko,,en. Big data and analytics are just the tools to help in the process of digital transformation. In earlier days, customer behaviors on the websites were deemed to be something…

Mašīnmācības solījumi un trūkumi,en

Promises and drawbacks of machine learning

Overview Machine learning is a special type of algorithm which can learn from data and make predictions. As we collect and get more data from various sources, the predictions can be made more appropriately. However, on the other hand, there…

Lielo datu ietekme uz medicīnu un farmācijas nozari,en

Impact of Big Data in Medicine and pharmaceutical industry

Pārskats mūsdienu pasaulē,,en,medikamentos ir pieejams milzīgs informācijas apjoms,,en,Šos datus par medikamentiem var izmantot, lai izveidotu uzlabotus un efektīvus atsevišķu pacientu labklājības profilus,,en,pie šāda organizēta pacienta profila var pierast,,en, a huge volume of information is available in medication. This medication data can be utilized to construct improved and efficient well being profiles of individual patients. And, such an organized patient profile can be used to…

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