
Mobile Application Management (MAM) to control all enterprise applications

Mobile Application Management (MAM) to control all enterprise applications

Overview Mobile Application Management (MAM) enables companies to deliver and administer enterprise software to end users’ corporate and personal smartphones and tablets. Considering the fact that business and other users are increasingly embracing mobile devices and using enterprise applications, MAM…

How to Ensure Data Security in the Used & Refurbished Phone Market

How to Ensure Data Security in the Used & Refurbished Phone Market

Overview Investigation of popular second-hand mobile phone retailers including CeX revealed that 31% of the models being resold were no longer supported by their manufacturers, leaving device users vulnerable to hackers and data breaches. Not only does an unsupported device…

Mobile Тестване Game – жизнен цикъл на развитие на процеса и

Mobile Game Testing  – The process and the development lifecycle

Изграждане на мобилни приложения игра изисква подробен процес трябва да бъде следвана по систематичен начин. Тези процеси обхваща изискване събиране, работен проект, development, тестване за ползваемост, тестване QA, пълен бета тестване и след това най-накрая разполагане на различни целеви устройства. Mobile игра…

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