
How machine learning can improve security?

How machine learning can improve security?

概述網絡安全格局一直在不斷發展,en,也許比想像快,en,不斷發展的景觀的一個特徵是安全威脅,en,新穎的威脅一直使組織因其活力和滲透性而使組織不眠之夜,en. Perhaps at a pace faster than imagination. One feature of the evolving landscape has been security threats. Novel threats have been giving organizations sleepless nights because of their dynamism and penetrative…

IT Infrastructure Skills and their importance

IT Infrastructure Skills and their importance

概述IT基礎架構在整個組織中沒有足夠的重視,儘管它為服務支持和交付提供了基礎,en,根據IT基礎架構庫,en,ITIL,en,它提供了行業標準的最佳實踐,以使IT服務與業務需求保持一致,en, according to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) which provides industry-standard best practices for aligning IT services with business needs. According…

AI in E-commerce: Using Business Intelligence to Drive More Sales

AI in E-commerce: Using Business Intelligence to Drive More Sales

概觀: Amazon is undoubtedly the champion of e-commerce. Whether it’s their recommendations, usability or membership perks, this popular e-commerce platform wins the race because they excel in customer service – at a scale. But there’s more to Amazon’s strategy than…

Use of Big Data in Smart City Projects

Use of Big Data in Smart City Projects

概觀: There has been a lot of activity around the concept of Smart City for some time. Cities are being identified as future smart cities. Theoretically at least, 智慧城市可以從根本上改變我們的生活,例如,,en,有人說,,en,將重新定義醫療保健的提供方式,,en,它將預測未來重大疾病的發生和再次入院的可能性,,en,其他行業,如食品和飲料,,en,出版物和娛樂都有,,en,概述現代數據驅動的應用程序很大程度上依賴於它們每天處理的海量數據的相關見解。,,en,每次都能獲得更好的見解,,en,應用程序需要能夠發送複雜的查詢和數據庫,,en…

How IoT is shaping the Commercial Industry? Overcoming the Hindrances

How IoT is shaping the Commercial Industry? Overcoming the Hindrances

概觀: Do you know there will be nearly 75 billion active IoT devices by 2025 across the world? IoT has changed the way we approach technology. By using technology, today, many businesses are operated in the remote location efficiently. Business…

Why IoT Driven Solutions Gain Traction in Smart City Applications?

Why IoT Driven Solutions Gain Traction in Smart City Applications?

概觀: Internet since its commercialization has attracted unprecedented attention from various technology and solutions provider in developing innovative, customized, and highly efficient solutions. Subsequently, the internet of things driven solutions and services has gained a major traction across various industrial,…

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