How machine learning can improve security?

How machine learning can improve security?

Overview The cyber security landscape has been constantly evolving. Perhaps at a pace faster than imagination. One feature of the evolving landscape has been security threats. Novel threats have been giving organizations sleepless nights because of their dynamism and penetrative…

IT Infrastructure Skills and their importance

IT Infrastructure Skills and their importance

Overview IT infrastructure is not given enough importance across organizations although it provides the foundation for service support and delivery, according to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) which provides industry-standard best practices for aligning IT services with business needs. According…

AI in E-commerce: Sử dụng Business Intelligence để thúc đẩy doanh số bán hàng nhiều hơn,en

AI in E-commerce: Using Business Intelligence to Drive More Sales

Tổng quan: Amazon is undoubtedly the champion of e-commerce. Whether it’s their recommendations, usability or membership perks, this popular e-commerce platform wins the race because they excel in customer service – at a scale. But there’s more to Amazon’s strategy than…

Use of Big Data in Smart City Projects

Use of Big Data in Smart City Projects

Tổng quan: Hiện đã có rất nhiều hoạt động xung quanh khái niệm của thành phố thông minh trong một thời gian. Các thành phố đang được xác định là thành phố thông minh trong tương lai. Về mặt lý thuyết ít nhất, smart cities can fundamentally change our lives at many levels such as…

IoT đang định hình ngành công nghiệp thương mại như thế nào,,en,Vượt qua Ấn Độ giáo,,en? Overcoming the Hindrances

How IoT is shaping the Commercial Industry? Overcoming the Hindrances

Tổng quan: Bạn có biết sẽ có gần,,en,tỷ thiết bị IoT hoạt động bởi,,en,trên toàn thế giới,,en,IoT đã thay đổi cách chúng ta tiếp cận công nghệ,,en,Bằng cách sử dụng công nghệ,,en,nhiều doanh nghiệp được vận hành ở vị trí xa,,en,Kinh doanh,,en 75 billion active IoT devices by 2025 across the world? IoT has changed the way we approach technology. By using technology, hôm nay, many businesses are operated in the remote location efficiently. Business…

Why IoT Driven Solutions Gain Traction in Smart City Applications?

Why IoT Driven Solutions Gain Traction in Smart City Applications?

Tổng quan: Internet since its commercialization has attracted unprecedented attention from various technology and solutions provider in developing innovative, customized, and highly efficient solutions. Subsequently, the internet of things driven solutions and services has gained a major traction across various industrial,…

How AI and IoT are effecting the Insurance Industry?

How AI and IoT are effecting the Insurance Industry?

Giới thiệu đoạn văn / Tổng quan ngắn gọn,,en,tất cả các tác vụ này được thực hiện dựa trên dữ liệu được thu thập thủ công và phân tích của chúng dựa trên một số,,en, insurance industry is all about measuring risks, calculating premiums, settling claims and preventing loss of both the parties. Till date, all these tasks are performed based on manually collected data and their analysis based on certain…

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