Hadoop Arhitectura

How Open Data Platform simplifies Hadoop adoption?

How Open Data Platform simplifies Hadoop adoption?

Overview The Open Data Platform (ODP) is an industry initiative focused on simplifying the adoption of Apache Hadoop by the Enterprise and enabling Big Data solutions to thrive with better ecosystem interoperability. It builds on the strengths of the Apache…

SQL on Hadoop – How does it work?

SQL on Hadoop – How does it work?

Prezentare generală: SQL on Hadoop is a group of analytical application tools that combine the SQL-style querying and processing of data with the most recent Hadoop data framework elements. The emergence of SQL on Hadoop is an important development for big…

Want to know about Big Data myths?

Want to know about Big Data myths?

Prezentare generală Date mari,,en,știința datelor,,en,iar analizele de date mari sunt poate unul dintre cei mai tari termeni din lumea tehnologiei din zilele noastre,,en,în același timp, există o mulțime de neînțelegeri și confuzii cu privire la acești termeni,,en,Așa că oamenii încep să se gândească,,en, data science, and big data analytics are perhaps some of the hottest terms in today’s technology world. Dar, at the same time there is a lot of misunderstanding and confusion about those terms. So people start thinking…

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