A computación en nube

Big Data Success in the Cloud Platform

Big Data Success in the Cloud Platform

Overview In today’s big data era, we have heard about different tools, platforms etc. for managing big data and analytics. Each platform like Spark, Hadoop etc., has their own specialties and limitations. Big data applications are using different platforms based…

How the Cloud is Driving Business?

How the Cloud is Driving Business?

Introdución Como negocio,,en,é obvio que o futuro está vinculado en internet e tecnoloxía,,en,O éxito depende case exclusivamente das vendas,,en,crecemento empresarial e administración aínda simple,,en,non é difícil,,en, it is obvious that the future is tied up in the internet and technology. Success almost exclusively relies upon it in terms of sales, business growth and even simple administration. como tal, it’s not hard to…

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