cloud backup

How the cloud is powering modern business intelligence?

How the cloud is powering modern business intelligence?

მიმოხილვა – Business intelligence (BI) always has progressed quickly. However, as more businesses migrate to the clouds, BI tools offer a unique chance to transform how information is recorded and analyzed. The impact of the cloud on the current type…

Big Data Success in the Cloud Platform

Big Data Success in the Cloud Platform

Overview In today’s big data era, we have heard about different tools, platforms etc. for managing big data and analytics. Each platform like Spark, Hadoop etc., has their own specialties and limitations. Big data applications are using different platforms based…

როგორ Cloud Computing დაგეხმარებათ ბიზნესის განვითარებაში,en?

How Cloud Computing Helps to Grow Your Business?

მიმოხილვა: Don’t you agree that it is the time where irrespective of the business type sooner or later, all the businesses are getting dependent on cloud computing services? According to the prediction of the IT experts, investing time in cloud…

როგორ ვმართოთ მონაცემთა მრავალჯერადი Cloud,en?

How to Manage Data in the Multi-Cloud?

მიმოხილვა მულტი-ღრუბელი პროგნოზირებს, როგორც მიმზიდველი ბიზნეს წინადადება ბოლო პერიოდში,,en,ყველა საუბრის ფონზე მრავალჯერადი ღრუბელი მოაქვს სარგებელს,,en,არსებობს ნივთიერება,,en,მიიღოთ მაქსიმალურად ღრუბელი გარემო,,en,თქვენ უნდა მართოთ თქვენი მონაცემები,,en. Amidst all the talk about the benefits multi-cloud brings, there is some substance. However, to get the best out of your multi-cloud environment, you need to manage your data…

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