Cov cuab yeej anti-Ransomware

Yuav ua li cas tiv thaiv Malware ntawm yuav tsum caiv koj lub Computer?

How to Prevent Malware from Infecting Your Computer?

Txheej txheem cej luam: Malware muaj ntau kuj muaj teeb meem rau ntau tus neeg thiab cov lag luam. Raws li tus SonicWall 2019 Daim ntawv qhia txog kev hem thawj midyear, dhau 4.8 malware billion tuaj tshwm sim rau xwb tog cheej nyob ntawm lub xyoo. Hnub no, Google tseem mus zoo ntxiv…

Yuav luag txhua yam hauv koj lub Smartphone?

How to Secure Everything in Your Smartphone?

Txheej txheem cej luam xyoo dhau los, Einstein ua ib tsab ntawv, "Txhua tes hauj lwm muaj kev vaj huam sib luag thiab txheem cov tshuaj tiv thaiv". Peb kom paub meej hais tias nws thiab nws yog hais txog lub sij hawm peb teeb no xav rau peb tseeb technology hab tau ntxiv cov kev pab cuam los ntawm nws kev txawj ntse. Peb…

4 Cov kauj ruam tsim ib lub Website ruaj ntseg rau koj Startup

4 Steps to Build a Secure Website for Your Startup

Txheej txheem cej luam: Koj lub tswv yim startup tej zaum yuav tsum tau ib yam ntxiv ua ntej koj yuav siab tso nws nyob rau ntawm ntug, yog ib lub website. Koj lub website no zoo li cas yuav ua rau koj startup nom thiab ntau txaus kom investors. Txawm li cas los, lub zog…

Koj yuav ua li cas yog hais tias koj lub Website Hacked?

What You Should Do If Your Website Is Hacked?

Txheej txheem cej luam: Online (computer) frauds ua unpredictable qhia thiab tej zaum kuj tsis yooj yim kom tiv thaiv tau vim hackers yog inventing txoj kev tshiab ib hnub. Koj websites ntawd twb tsis muaj kev ruaj ntseg lawm. Yog hais tias koj lub website tau hacked, ntau yam phem tshwm sim xws li…

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